Author Topic: What I don't get  (Read 21419 times)

Offline DrEvil

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Re: What I don't get
« Reply #30 on: October 28, 2012, 07:55:34 am »
It might work as well once everybody creates that familiar feeling again. Don't speculate like that. It's dangerous. :P

I don't speculate. I live in the reality and so should you. You know the history of how all the old members have left this place better than anyone else. I don't see even a 1% chance of their coming back and by coming back, I don't mean logging in after a couple of months and then after a few hours its time to say bye-bye again.

E-x-a-m-s right now. We have maintained the position only cause there is no one to take over. But we have a life too. And you know, as you grow, your responsibilities and obligations grow as well. It's the time when you 'make' your life, build yourself a future, etc. Frankly speaking, it's not about being lazy. It's about knowing your priorities. Bots do not top the list. The blunt fact is that we've crossed the age when you are all excited about managing a forum.

Sorry guys, maybe that's harsh, but that is part of the real problem.

I wasn't pointing any fingers in my previous post as I know how the system works here. We all have a life and I don't think anybody is being forced to give time to the forum. People who are online, are here by choice. Take yourself, for example. You are here by choice and you still care for the forum and even if you are extremely busy, you do give time to the forum once or twice a day. This is your decision. And if your Moderators can't be like that then there is no need of 6-7 Moderators when only 2 are active. If they are lost, its just best for everyone to relieve them of their duties and move on. Keeping them here just for filling in the vacancies will do no good to the forum.
And yes I agree to the fact that there comes a time when you are not excited anymore to manage a forum but I have been there too and all I can say is that if you have even a very little interest left in you, you'll do fine.

I hear people think that loudly in the lounge. Me included.

See, he's saying "I have a life, you guys have none." :P :P

I said that because I honestly don't have any idea when my university is going to start and if I had to use university accommodation, I don't know whether there will be any internet facility available or not. So rather than to accept the proposal, its better to turn it down before you become the center-point of criticism.

I know guys you have a life. And I also know the fact that I am no owner of the forum. Its just that when you have contributed some part of your life here, its really hard to see all of that work going down for nothing.

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Re: What I don't get
« Reply #31 on: October 28, 2012, 07:58:42 am »
He disappeared for two days even before I put forth the suggestion.

I didn't disappear. Was out of town for one day! :)

“When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before.”

Offline astarmathsandphysics

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Re: What I don't get
« Reply #32 on: October 28, 2012, 04:53:53 pm »
Everybody will leave one day, except me, old faithful

Offline M-H

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Re: What I don't get
« Reply #33 on: October 31, 2012, 02:02:18 pm »
HEY you guys....the mo I was gonna start a convo about how tragically our beloved-virtual-hangout-plus-a-realtime-stress reliever is being neglected unintentionally and unknowingly, I saw this thread and well, I sooo agree with everyone who is saying that we are all growing up and cannot devote as much time as we did earlier.

But there is something DrEvil mentioned that I agree with is that we at least have the weekends, I just have one day free which is Friday and the remaining days I have to attend Uni. I guess at least if we devote 5-10 mins, we can still hope to make some difference.

And about new SFers who are not willing to participate in chats and threads is cos well, like everyone visiting the forum, they aren't seeing it very active. And they are only new, how would they know that once upon a time everyone used to remain glued to the forum? To make SF what it was before, definitely those of us who've been here from before should sincerely devote our time, no matter it little that maybe.

I am ready to devote at least 10minutes (if not more) from every Friday that I get. InshaAllah. What about you?

And Sir, everything is temporary. You and me, we will all leave. :) I hope as long as I am connected to the internet, I'll be here, if not me, at least my account, my posts. :)


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Re: What I don't get
« Reply #34 on: November 20, 2012, 12:20:00 pm »
I don't speculate. I live in the reality and so should you. You know the history of how all the old members have left this place better than anyone else. I don't see even a 1% chance of their coming back and by coming back, I don't mean logging in after a couple of months and then after a few hours its time to say bye-bye again.

I wasn't pointing any fingers in my previous post as I know how the system works here. We all have a life and I don't think anybody is being forced to give time to the forum. People who are online, are here by choice. Take yourself, for example. You are here by choice and you still care for the forum and even if you are extremely busy, you do give time to the forum once or twice a day. This is your decision. And if your Moderators can't be like that then there is no need of 6-7 Moderators when only 2 are active. If they are lost, its just best for everyone to relieve them of their duties and move on. Keeping them here just for filling in the vacancies will do no good to the forum.
And yes I agree to the fact that there comes a time when you are not excited anymore to manage a forum but I have been there too and all I can say is that if you have even a very little interest left in you, you'll do fine.

I said that because I honestly don't have any idea when my university is going to start and if I had to use university accommodation, I don't know whether there will be any internet facility available or not. So rather than to accept the proposal, its better to turn it down before you become the center-point of criticism.

I know guys you have a life. And I also know the fact that I am no owner of the forum. Its just that when you have contributed some part of your life here, its really hard to see all of that work going down for nothing.

Doc... I didn't mean to offend you in any way... but we've been discussing about this "do we need an update" since months, and are still stuck with the discussion. We might as well go on like the UN discussing it for 40 years like they've been doing for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but that just brings us back to starting point.

Tell me yourself, if not an update, what is our next best option? Do we even have one?

This is the reality of our virtual world. People look for novelty, they make time for novelty, they need change. There has to be some breathing space. You can't expect them to stay inside the same 6-feet long hole for too long. They don't have time? Oh of course they do. Just look around on sites like Facebook and Twitter. Everyone isn't lying idle there. The difference is that these sites are always being updated, always finding ways to attract their public. We shouldn't lack behind. XPF has long ago had an update, even TSR has done it now. We are still dragging along...

Well yes, it's true. What will cause people to stay isn't the fact that updates are being made. It's their attachment to the site. But when there is practically nobody here, then attachment to what? The site stays alive with its people!

People say they have "grown out" of SF. That's baloney. We do have a university section here. What we do not have are university students, because... we fail to attract them? Why? This is virtual. Resources can be updated anywhere, in any form. We do not have a copyright on ours. Even if we did, new and better ones are constantly evolving. Then, how can we rely on our resources alone as our marketing strategy?

I didn't disappear. Was out of town for one day! :)

I'm here too. Just had exams.

Everybody will leave one day, except me, old faithful

If not everyday, I'll come once in a while and will bring apple pie for you. :)


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Re: What I don't get
« Reply #35 on: November 20, 2012, 05:44:42 pm »

Does the SPAM rule still apply?


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Re: What I don't get
« Reply #36 on: November 21, 2012, 03:31:05 pm »

Does the SPAM rule still apply?

We can give apple pie to those who follow it...  :-\

Offline astarmathsandphysics

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Re: What I don't get
« Reply #37 on: November 21, 2012, 04:29:17 pm »
What is the spam rule?


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Re: What I don't get
« Reply #38 on: November 21, 2012, 05:52:10 pm »

Offline Ukhti-R

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Re: What I don't get
« Reply #39 on: November 24, 2012, 05:37:17 pm »

Does the SPAM rule still apply?

Spam rule? Is this thread a spam? :/

We can give apple pie to those who follow it...  :-\

That'd be <3_<3
LOL. No one will spam after that rule!
"...And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a a way for him to get out (from every difficulty). And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine. And whosoever puts his trust in Allah, then He will suffice him." [65: 2-3]


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Re: What I don't get
« Reply #40 on: November 24, 2012, 05:45:05 pm »
I just said that so that my 'sigh' post doesn't become a spam  ::)


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Re: What I don't get
« Reply #41 on: November 27, 2012, 06:59:57 am »
LOL. I miss you guys. :)

Offline $tyli$h Executive

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Re: What I don't get
« Reply #42 on: November 30, 2012, 08:48:42 am » why the forum is not taken over by other IG and A level kids?!

I mean- that's when WE invaded the place and made it alive. We can't still be lingering around years and years later. That's why it's dead, because we've all 'grown out' of SF. But that's FINE, because it's natural to grow out of things you did 3 years ago when you're a teenager.

But what's confusing is where are all the current IG students?!

You're right... I still miss the old days. Still remember when I got the offer for a moderator from astar, so excited. March 11, 2010! Sweet memories :)

I can't answer for all people, and that will be generalization too, so I'll try to answer for myself. Why I personally don't come here as much as I used to.

Firstly, it's because there's nothing interesting to discuss... Yes, there's a few games on chit chat like "shout loud", "how come", "what are you eating?" etc. But they're dead boring...

Secondly, at least in the beginning, I was heavily motivated by the "Reputation" functionality. Back then, not many people had high reputation and it was a challenge to help others TO gain reputation and further my status. That's not the case now. Now if any moderator reps someone, his reputation increases by some 100+ points in one go. Basically every member who's been active for a week or so has 1000 rep. You have no incentive to increase reputation by posting. Posts barely increase reputation. All you have to do is to please a moderator and your rep will increase by 100.

Finally, and the most important: I believe the decision which killed the forum is: Forbidding discussion on controversial matters (religious, political or "flame topics"). I remember back in the debating days: Debating controversial matters were the most interesting and that which actually made me stick to the forum! I can't emphasise how much this has harmed the forum! I remember when I first registered here, it was just to debate in one topic!

When you have discussion on controversial matters, people actually stick to the forum. When people stick to the forum, this means more posts not only to the controversial topic, but a range of other topics as people explore the forum. And that is what livens up the forum.

Granted, we've had fair share of fights between us on this issue, with nid, Ari and others (including me) leaving because they felt their views were thumbed down. A certain administrator tried to force such rules on us. I won't name him/her here and I wish him/her all the best, what has happened has happened. Above all, I don't blame them. I've been in the moderator team once and I know I have to bear the fair share of the blame, since I remember supporting such policies.

The moment we curtailed free speech by introducing the "controversial rule", the forum effectively became a dictatorship, breaking the cycle of the "member-recycling" process. Obviously, those from a different standpoint would naturally be afraid to post in the forum. This effectively became an Islamic, conservative forum, rather than a place where you can express your views, discuss anything freely regardless of your standpoint. If you don't get what I mean, what if you come across a Student forum, where many topics are about "loving jesus christ"? Will you be willing to register and post there, being a Muslim? Religion is just one issue. Politics is another, equally important one.

In case anyone is wondering which rule I'm referring to, it's this:  "No DEBATING about Religions, politics or adult topics anywhere in this Forum! Debating about them will result in a ban depending on the situation at hand.Only threads for special occasions and peaceful discussions about one religion are allowed and that also in only Chit Chat Board."

Start a few controversial/sensitive/taboo topics on the Debate/chitchat forum, let a few old members get the ball rolling, dissenting with each other, and see how quickly users get attracted there and start posting.

If you doubt what i'm saying, go check the debate section. Sort the topics in descending order (;sort=replies;desc)

Which topics do you see with the most replies?

Marriage, Boyfriend/girlfriend relationships, homosexuality (now moved, again because of so-called taboo rule), Kuwait (original discussion about Israel/palestine), Kashmir, Love, Divorce, Freedom of speech, 9/11....... Many other topics which would've been there are now sitting in Permanent bin, only because of our short-sightedness.

Nobody loves "peaceful discussions". It's too boring.  ::)

I can tell, because I was personally in charge of the Debate section from March, 2010. Just to highlight the importance of "controversy topics" and not blowing my own trumpet: While I was allowed to do my duty freely, without any interference from administrators, the forum saw it's highest activity ever in May, 2010. :)
« Last Edit: November 30, 2012, 10:00:58 am by $tyli$h Executive »

Offline $tyli$h Executive

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Re: What I don't get
« Reply #43 on: November 30, 2012, 09:28:33 am »
And... I don't believe it's cuz of Facebook. Facebook is the least interesting place to have organised discussions. You can shout, abuse and curse the other person and nobody will say anything. And on the other hand you have people sharing silly quotes and statuses. A forum like SF is much better in my opinion, for discussions. It gives a sense of belonging.

Offline astarmathsandphysics

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Re: What I don't get
« Reply #44 on: November 30, 2012, 11:56:24 pm »
I am trying to do an upgrade of freetextbooks and courseworkbank at xmas.
I will try and change the whole websites to using joomla. Will mean a lot more features over the next year, including a document search.