You're really good at digging... 

In my opinion, even if the layout/interface of the forum is updated as you say, believe it or not, the old members aren't gonna stay here for more than a month! The forum will return to its partially-dead status again.
might work as well once everybody creates that familiar feeling again. Don't speculate like that. It's dangerous.

We keep talking in circles, discussing the same things again and again. It is not going to get us a solution we 'really' do something. Some one should have a miracle
(Update, which the longer it takes to come, the more it'll get difficult and useless later.)
By the way, why aren't you Mods removing all the SPAM threads from all the boards? No offense guys but why so lazy? 
E-x-a-m-s right now. We have maintained the position only cause
there is no one to take over. But we have a life too. And you know, as you grow, your responsibilities and obligations grow as well. It's the time when you 'make' your life, build yourself a future, etc. Frankly speaking, it's not about being lazy. It's about knowing your priorities. Bots do not top the list. The blunt fact is that we've crossed the age when you are all excited about managing a forum.
Sorry guys, maybe that's harsh, but that
is part of the real problem.
Thanks for the offer but I don't know for how long I might be here so can't make any promises.
I hear people think that loudly in the lounge. Me included.
See, he's saying "I have a life, you guys have none."