Author Topic: [Request] Revision and other books  (Read 4128 times)

Offline Kuzumi

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[Request] Revision and other books
« on: July 16, 2012, 02:07:35 pm »
Hey guys! How're you? I'm an Edexcel GCE student from Malaysia! :D

I've been trying to utilize the search function to search for the books but usually no dice and the links are dead.. so I was wondering if you guys could assist me?

Here are the books that I need (I'm in AS now so A2 would also help, if possible please help me with both, and I prefer direct downloading such as from Mediafire, etc. but torrent works too if it's not dead) :

1) Salters-Nuffield Advanced Biology PDF files..
2) Any AS/A2 CGP Books for Chem or Biology (wonder if they have for math too?)
3) Revision Guides for Edexcel board (Biology and Chem)

And I was wondering, other than studentforums, what are the other sites that I could access to get .PDF files for A-level Edexcel books?

Peace out! :D