This quote on CIE's online marking schemes made me curious:
This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks.Does this mean that CIE examiners have the REAL marking schemes? And if so, are they really different to what we're seeing? It's getting me worried now

I mean, Biology A2 seems so simple when all you have to do is "ref. this, mention that", but what if the real marking schemes are much more detailed and different? We would lose marks then, right?

If somebody could explain it clearly, I'd appreciate it greatly

My teacher also told me that the m-schemes published online are different from the m-schemes that the Examiners use at the time of, well... marking! And then they shred them so as to destroy the evidence? o.o
Thank you anyone and everyone who manages to help.
The pressure is killing me. Exams next Monday