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Member and Moderator of the Month - April 2012

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Member of the Month - Rvel Zahid

Moderator of the Month - Abod

Congratulations guys :)

Keep on rocking SF :D

It's a pleasure to have such members among us :)

Most UniQue™:
Congrats to both of yuh!

P.S Admins you forgot to give my red cloth instead:P


--- Quote from: Muscle NerD™ on May 01, 2012, 09:20:03 pm ---Congrats to both of yuh!

P.S Admins you forgot to give my red cloth instead:P

--- End quote ---
Fixed :P

Congrats both of you..!

The Golden Girl =D:
Congratulations , Keep it up :)

Abod , 7arakat haa ;) ::P XP ... Mabrook I'm so Proud *sniffs* (:

Keep it up ,both of you 8)


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