Author Topic: Chemistry Unit 6B  (Read 1433 times)

Offline KJ1995

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Chemistry Unit 6B
« on: May 01, 2012, 07:47:23 pm »
Hello guys, i would appreciate your help

What should i study for Unit 6B chemsitry, what practicals should i know about, and are there any helpful books for unit 6B. If there are can you please post a link.
Many thanks :D

Offline MKh

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Re: Chemistry Unit 6B
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2012, 11:10:02 am »
What should i study for Unit 6B chemsitry, what practicals should i know about, and are there any helpful books for unit 6B. If there are can you please post a link.

The Chemistry laboratory skills II exam consists of 3 sections: qualitative analysis (identfying unknown compounds), quantitative analysis (calculations, graphs etc.) and Preparation (explaining the steps in a given experimental procedure for carrying out a preparation) of organic and inorganic compounds.

Check the Practical Assessment section in the Edexcel A2 Chemistry Revision Guide which is available for free download here in SF.
You will find very helpful information in that section. From the Revison Guide, I quote:

Qualitative analysis
Chemical reactions and tests that may be included in this section include:
- Any of those listed for Unit 3 (therefore you will also have to check the qualilative analysis section the Edexcel AS Chemistry Revision Guide)
- The reactions of the transition metal ions in solution with aqueous sodium hydroxide and with aqueous ammonia both added untl in excess (see pg 81 of guide)
- Ligand exchange reactions in copper (II) complexes (pg 79 of guide)
- The redox chemistry of chromium (pg 78 of guide)

[And the list goes on. It is better if you check the Guide itself]

Quantitative analysis
At least one of the following will be included in this assessment:
- pH titration
- Following the rate of a reaction
- Potassium manganate (VII) titration
- Finding the activation energy of a reaction

Laboratory practices needed for preparation:
- Those developed at AS, such as heating under reflux and distillation
- Purification of an impure solid product by recrystallization from hot, saturated solvent
- Melting temperature determination
- Drying solid by filtration under reduced pressure - using a Buchner funnel and flask

Do make sure that you know how to draw labelled diagrams for the apparatus used to carry out distillation, reflux, filtration under reduced pressure and the ones used to determine melting and boiling temperature of a compound

Also use the search engine of the SF to search for the download link to download the Practical Assessment Guide for A2 Chemistry.
Hope this helps.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2012, 11:23:02 am by MKh »