Qualification > Sciences



What is price elastic and inelastic for demand

price elasticy of demand is the degree of responsiveness of quantity demanded to a change in price.
it is calculated by - % change in quantity demanded / % change in price.

if a good is price elastic. then a % change in price will lead to a greater % change in quantity demanded.
ped >1

if a good is price inelastic then a % change in price will lead to a small change in quantity demanded.
ped < 1

You can think of it like a rubber band: more elastic means it moves more. Elastic demand is more likely to be affected by circumstances. For example, demand for many luxury items is fairly elastic for non-wealthy people because if they lose their jobs, the economy goes into recession, etc., they tend to stop buying the luxury stuff. On the other hand, inelastic demand is a lot less dependent on outside factors. So, even if you lose your job, the economy fails and there is a massive earthquake, you're still going to need to buy bread, salt, etc.


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