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Shukran/Arigatu/Bohot Shukriya =D

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Most UniQueâ„¢:
Congrats!! Thanks for whatever you have done :)

Bohot welcome. :P :P

Yuh really deserved it, GG. Yuh are like one of the best people SF ever had. :D Thank yuh fer being so bright.

Take care
Salaam. :D


--- Quote from: The Golden Girl (: on April 16, 2012, 07:39:32 pm ---THANK YOU EVERYONE =D

@ DK : I owe the people over her who been there for me in my academics and my life !! so it's This is the least I do ;) .... This is the least I could do (:

--- End quote ---

The least you think you did is actually a lot for various members ^_^

Thank you for all you've done for the forum. Well deserved.

Lots of Duas for you, hon. <3 God bless. :)

The Golden Girl =D:
My pleausre , and Thank YOU =D


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