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Shukran/Arigatu/Bohot Shukriya =D

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The Golden Girl =D:
Salam :)

I was stalking SF as a Guest once again and BOOM there was my name in Brown and .... I just couldn't believe it  =$

Thank you SO Much everyone for Everything , and I hope you guys forgive me if I have ever wronged you and this is especially intended to my friends ;D <3

I've changed a bit but even though there are still those who were there for me x ,  so Thank you and May God Bless you for everything =D

Jazakom Allah Khair :)

P.S. This just made my WEEK !  ;D

Its Arigato....

Honorary Member ? Mmmmhhhh, how many hours did you have to waste on this 'wasteland' to earn that ?  :D

Congraulations/ Mabrook for that you truly deserve it (:

--- Quote from: derf on April 15, 2012, 01:48:53 pm ---Its Arigato....

Honorary Member ? Mmmmhhhh, how many hours did you have to waste on this 'wasteland' to earn that ?  :D

--- End quote ---

If it's a wasteland why are you wasting your time over here?

Walaikumussalaam sis

You totally deserve it dear :)

You've been a major contributor in this home of ours with all those links you provided :)

Some members actually owe you their As :D

We are grateful that we got the chance by Allah's will to come across an unselfish person like you :)

Wa jazaki

Be blessed :)

--- Quote from: derf on April 15, 2012, 01:48:53 pm ---Its Arigato....

Honorary Member ? Mmmmhhhh, how many hours did you have to waste on this 'wasteland' to earn that ?  :D

--- End quote ---

It may be a wasteland for you but some persons actually grew in here and turned out to be successful in their life :)

Most UniQueâ„¢:

--- Quote from: derf on April 15, 2012, 01:48:53 pm ---Honorary Member ? Mmmmhhhh, how many hours did you have to waste on this 'wasteland' to earn that ?  :D

--- End quote ---

Derf If I see you saying any inappropriate next time , a strong action will be taken against you! You dont deserve a place here.


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