Ah, but two of those would require the aid of your absent administrator/owner of this site, no ? Tell me, where is he ? Gone AWOL it would seem ?
Truly, this forum isn't dying.... Its already dead 
How mean!!! What's your prob?
We find resources in this forum for free that we cannot find anywhere else. When I needed the AS Physics and AS Chemistry Revision Guides, someone here having it scanned and uploaded it. Whether I need the latest past papers (for example, January 2012), any textbooks, revsion guides, teacher's guides, medical books or I have any technical problems, someone will be here to help.
Moreover, Sir Paul helps a lot in physics and maths. He must be busy. We can't expect him to be here 24/7. He must be having other things to do, like teaching, for example. He also makes videos to explain answers to SF posters' complicated questions. And he provides all this for free. May ALLAH bless him.
This forum isn't dead. It is just that people get busier day by day and they have less time to post here. I really feel like sharing my notes and help everyone around here, but I am simply too busy. But however busy I am, I will surely have a look in here once a week. Can't wait for exams to get over!! This forum is very much alive during the holidays and Ramadhan as well.
As for the suggestions to improve this forum, I strongly suggest to have a discussion thread for any upcoming exams here so that we can discuss for a particular exam in a specific thread. Take example of the 'Edexcel Unit 5 Biology Article Discussion Thread'. The summer exams are coming so we can consider my idea, can't we? With helpful discussions everyone will benefit and people will not hesitate to come to SF because they will benefit for sure. What say?