Qualification > Math
GUys i m confused about the inverse if we hav 2 know matrices 2by2 e.g A and B and an unknown Matrix X.
SO if we have an eq AX=B
would we do X=(Ainverse)8B or X=B*(Ainverse)
and when we have to find B*Ainverse wat do v do?
Ghost Of Highbury:
it depends on the order of the matrix A and B
for e.g
if the question says....(1 2) * X = (5 6 7)
(3 4) (8 9 2)
then for that X = (1 2) * (5 6 7)
(3 4) ( 8 9 2)
this is because the no. of colums of the first matrix = the no. of rows of the second matrix
=> (2) = (2)
first matrix = (1 2)
(3 4)
second matrix = (5 6 7)
(8 9 2)
Good luck
Ghost Of Highbury:
u cannot do the other way i.e
(5 6 7) * (1 2)
(8 9 2) ( 3 4)
because the no. of columns of the first matrix (3) is not equal to the no. of rows of the second matrix (2)
wat if both have the same order e.g 2by2
Ghost Of Highbury:
then it doesn't matter how u multiply them...
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