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[Must Read] YouTube Channel

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Looks like people are working hard to make this site famous, Good job and keep up the good work, i will tell my friends and I will make sure this site becomes the number 1 educational site in the internet WORLD :) O0

I took the youtube videos down.
I feel a bit persecuted by google because the Whistleblower Edward Snowden has made me realise there is a plan by google to build a database recording the colour of everybody's underpants. When they have done this they will try to blackmail us with it or sell it to the government.
On top of this my website is doing very badly in google and have the same websites on theeducationchannel and youtube means duplicate content which is bad for the video website.
I have made about 650 videos now andthe video website is functioning well with no errors.

how will they do that?? :o :o :o :o :o

Google trcks your queries.
Whatever you click on in google is added to the database to serve you the right ads whenever you are on a google website.

Youtube bootube. is working


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