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February Member(s) and Moderator of the Month (2012)

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Thank you GG!

Shokran kteer a7rajteeni =)

The Golden Girl =D:
3amaltila edit fa 2i8ra2ee the last part ;)

Walau you're most welcome =D

It is actually really nice and impressive that the three of us are FEMALES (:

GG wallahi I read it bas ma fhemet kteer haha ;)

The Golden Girl =D:
LOL ya ..Females FTW :P

Which part , send it to me 3al PMs :)


Thank you so much. I am honored. <3 :D

--- Quote from: The Golden Girl =D on March 01, 2012, 03:49:08 pm ---Romesa : MashAllah you broke the record LOL well that's how I feel xD ... Keep it up ? no need for me to say that cuz I know you'll strive to become a 'more' productive person and will always try to do whatever that you can do .. SO Proud of you sis =D

Love yuh girls <3  and You just made my day xoxoxoxox

--- End quote ---

Thank you, sweetheart. <3 I really appreciate your kind words. Wish you all the very best in everything you aim for. :)

God bless ~

--- Quote from: sweetsh on March 01, 2012, 03:36:40 pm ---And ofcourse Romsea :) Keep up the good work

--- End quote ---
Thank you. :D
Congratulations, dear. ;D

--- Quote from: Ang3l on March 01, 2012, 01:51:44 pm ---Romeesa woman :P your first month as a mod and you rocked :D
Thanks for all your help and contribution.

--- End quote ---

Thank you, maam. :P

Hope to do more, iA. :)


Sweetsh and iluvme:

You both deserve it. :D Keep up the great work!! ;D


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