New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
Thank you so much for the article. That practice needs to STOP. It impacted on me so deeply that I kept trying and immediately did wudhu, sat on the mat and thanked and cried to Allah to stop this. It made me realize how blessed I am and how blessed we Muslims cos we, alhamdulillah, have been brought up as muslims. And yet, we sin, we don't lose a chance to upset Allah. This needs to stop Alpha. Isn't anyone doing anything about it? Allah reward you and protect us all. Ameen.
Ah, ask Engraved. I'd have definitely helped but I need to go now. Never thought I'd post, but just had to say that about the article. Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah. I am sorry I couldn't help. If I do get time over the weekends, and if till then you don't get help from somewhere I'll surely get back to you inshaAllah alright?
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