this is what i do b4 my listenin exam.
1)switch on tv watch CNN
2)switch radio before u sleep and litsen to BBC
3)practice on the site
www.esl-lab.com4) and my most favourite LITSEN TO HARD METAL MUSIC (not the ones with shouting)
while exam:
!) MOST IMPORTANT, VERY IMPORTANT: NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER GET NERVOUS. if u do try hard to concentrate or go home. cuz u can concentrate well when hear the tape as u r nervous.
2) look down on ure paper or dont look around or at other people cuz u get distracted and u miss answers
3) before tape starts write in the subjects for example:
-where did jimmy go?
ANs: Jimmy went----------(write "jimmy went" and leave it like tht untill u hear the answer then complete ure answer.)
And while DOING THT go thru the questions as answers my be called out earlier before the question comes.
4) be sure to hear tht lady who talks at start and prsents the talker. tht lady who says :"look atquestions 1 to 6 and bla bla-- till she says we hav our talker today mr jimmy ....etc) listen to her she also calls out the answer.
and i think thts all i can say.
gud luck