Qualification > Math

Maths Paper 4 May June 2008

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There is probablity question on pg3 question 3 (a) and (b)...can someone plz help me as i totoaly suck in probablity... :-[ :'(

ooooh, tht paper is hard man
Ill be finishing it off later on 2day
Ill probaby let u know then  :D

By the way, for P2, the locus Question- we hd to draw parallel lines,  who did tht ?

thx for your help....yea tht was confusing and i had less time...

its k, but I didnt help  :P

so wot did u do fr tht question then ?

In paper 2... the locus thing
I drew two angle bisectors... one horizontal and the other vertical.
The parallel lines are wrong!


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