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How to sit an exam - like a way a student should.

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Hi, osmani is talking. =D

Look I'm sure there are a lot of people going like
"omg, didn't study that much *heart beats faster* ahhh I'm in stress"
Which is a main reason of why people FAIL. Facts are painful =] but all of us should know about this.
People don't fail because they didn't study enough; generally they fail because either they're way too confident OR too panicky. So you have to stay in the middle, and be calm. How to be calm? Easy:

1. Do not revise for ANYTHING in 0-60 minutes before the exam, it's gonna make you nervous and make you say "crappers, what is... Moles?! Didn't revise for that >.<" and it's gonna make you forget 50% of what you already know. Seriously because you are in panic, your brain TRIES to focus on the topic you "don't know well" and forget everything, or most things.

2. Take in a water bottle with you, drink it to cool yourself down. if you're stressed and can't do a question, never ever sweat on it for ages! When you realise that you did it with a smile on your face, everything will be reversed when the invigilator says "You have 5 minutes... left." while you have a few other questions which will suck big time.

3. Check your freakn work! We do many mistakes while we're doing something and we don't realise it. Checking is worth it, instead of just sitting there, thinking what you're gonna get from this paper. Do that when the exam is over that's not gonna get you marks o.O instead, go over the paper and say "oh, that's supposed to be a 1, that saved my day! :D" seriously when i find my own mistakes, i feel like the happiest guy ever, because i know 1 mark is guaranteed. Maybe that one mark was going to get me from a B to an A, who knows? We know we're all tempted to say "full marks on that... uhm, 1 mark on that one, total is 69/70 =] " but no. This won't help you. I have found out that if we spot mistakes it makes us calmer&happier. Isn't that what we want?

4. Never look at the upcoming questions, let them flow like that at you. If you see a loooooong question far ahead then you'd rush and rush and rush to reach that question, and spend the most time on it, without the knowledge that you've made major mistakes on the last ones. Again, panicking.

5. Take your time on each question. 1 mark = 1 minute in general.

6. When the time is up, just close the paper, and walk out with a smile on your face do not go like "ah, question 9 i didn't check for =[" or else it will get stuck into your mind for a long time, even when you're doing another exam.

this is what ALL of you can do. Those are the "non-nerdy" methods that anyone can do literally. Everyone is capable of doing so. So, get out there, and enjoy your exams. =D

- Osmani

Thanks a lot for those inspiring words ;) hope everyone benefits from them and good luck for all of us in our upcoming math and business examination   ;D

lol. nyc one mate ... I betta start using them

Thanks  :D

Thanks a lot dude, ur the best  ;)

I agree with the 1st. I never do anything for hours before and i always go in prepared to kill and destroy. I always get above 90% too.


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