I am honestly so speechless right now..dunno what should I say. I watched this video and it made me cry...but..you know there's something I'd like to share with all you...
Its about tears...those droplets which are so real, sometimes you do know what's causing them and sometimes you don't cos you're just so overwhelmed. If there is anything I'd like to cry for, for all my life, its going to be my deen, no not cos I am a true muslim but cos I am a sinner, and I sin, and I take something so true and pure for granted, for which people like Rosullulloh (SAW) and so many more- shed blood and tears...and at most, gave away their lives. Yes, life- something so transient and so menial...
Oh Allah, I also, ask for your mercy. I pray for all you. And please pray for all of me as well.