Qualification > Languages
[ESL]Oral Tips!
Hello i made this thread to give people tips and how to get high marks for the students who are taking IGCSE ESL exams....
*Most likely to be done in Weekends
*Be At school before the time given (8 is your time be at school at 7:30)
*Your Class will be divided into groups
*Oral exam will take around 15 mins.
*After the exam go home!!!!
**BE ON TIME never come late!!!!
*Greet the examiner (hello sir/Mr.Name...)
*Ask him/her (how are you today?...)
*Sit down properly and dont eat gum
*Then he will fix the mic on your shirt
*first 3 mins will not be recorded
*He/She will ask you questions to make u relaxed like (how are you whats your name.. Introduce your self..)
*Then he/she will hand out the paper you will read it...
*Then he/she will ask you about the topic given..
**NEVER start with the first one (there will be questions in bulleted point always start with the second or last but not the first)
** NEVER EVER say "Umm"
**NEVER speak in an other language.....during recording
**The examiners (who will listen to your audio) are not checking your knowledge about the topic, they only care about your english speaking skills.
Thank You! and Good luck !
^ Good tips :D
Thanks for sharing
I would just like to add:
The examiners (who will listen to your audio) are not checking your knowledge about the topic, they only care about your english speaking skills.
Your welcome!
and i add ((The examiners (who will listen to your audio) are not checking your knowledge about the topic, they only care about your english speaking skills.))
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