Author Topic: What this board is for  (Read 3532 times)


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What this board is for
« on: November 17, 2011, 07:40:18 am »
This board is for our members to bring their participation (in any way they wish to) in our periodic SF Newsletter, that is, this board is yours. Feel 101% free to bring in any suggestion you wish to.

You may choose to work collectively for the Newsletter, write poems/ dramas/ stories, etc. together and depending on the final output, your products will be given due recognition in the Newsletters. You may come up with whatever you think is appropriate for the articles, the organisation of the Newsletter, and even it's layout. You may also post pictures you think are appropriate as background for the Newsletter.

Your contribution is welcome, and highly appreciated, by every member of the Administration team.

Thank you and enjoy.
-SF Administration

« Last Edit: November 17, 2011, 07:47:14 am by ~Alpha »