Author Topic: sad  (Read 1112 times)

Offline avin

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« on: October 23, 2011, 11:20:12 am »
last friday, one of my club is recruiting new committees and i proposed 2 posts that i think i am capable and it was 2 of the main posts of the club.
One of the posts i had experiences on it and i had only 1 competitors in the interview sections.

In this morning, i received a message that i am not selected for the committee.

There are other posts which the previous committees havent decided will be having a second round of interview by the present selected committees.

I decided to propose the other posts but how to make sure that i can get the post after going through the interview section?

help me .

sorry for the english as i am so sad and dont know what to do.

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Re: sad
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2011, 03:23:57 pm »
Aw, it's alright ... it ain't the end of the world!

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Offline avin

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Re: sad
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2011, 06:52:22 am »
But it is important to me for having a post in that club.

Can anyone tell me how to success in the next round of interview?

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Re: sad
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2011, 02:40:38 pm »
But it is important to me for having a post in that club.

Can anyone tell me how to success in the next round of interview?

Which club ?
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Re: sad
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2011, 03:39:13 pm »
As Romeesa pointed out, the club itself matters. Every club may have their own kind of demands from the people they appoint, especially for a higher post, so you must be proficient in that area.

Other than that, the first impression is the last one. Dress modestly, and if there is a uniform then follow it and make sure you have groomed yourself--polished shoes, combed hair, brushed teeth and hopefully no bags under your eyes. Sit confidently, no need to sit stiffly like a medieval slave or lounge as if its your drawing room.

The way you talk also is very important, not just your command on language. You should be audible, mumbling or talking very loud are both unacceptable. Don't just give one-word or one-liner responses, relying on the interviewer to question you. Your answers should be thoughtful and extend beyond a simple answer, so that you can show your confidence in conversation and depth. Don't ramble, though; the more useless conversation you make, the more likely you are to say something wayward and you don't want to make the interviewer feel ignored. Depending on how your interviewer is, cracking a few harmless jokes is a good idea, as it shows you're not a dull person. Though, if your interviewer seems rather sober, you can also quote points from current affairs or famous authors, as that should impress him.

Be polite, following general etiquette and remember to seem charming about it, not frightened. No one likes wimps.

Build your confidence and prepare yourself by rehearsing important, base questions in front of the mirror. Hand gestures are good, as they are a vital part of communication, as long as they do not see intrusive or ridiculous when talking to someone.

Best wishes for your interview! Remember to trust yourself and give it your best.
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Offline avin

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Re: sad
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2011, 04:15:44 pm »
Thank for the advice.

Is that means if i dont have any experience on that post, i cannot hold that post?

Club is the place where we can learn new things right?

By the way, i did have experience in the post that i proposed. Haiz, maybe my interview section went wrong.  ;)