Author Topic: Difference between Edexcel and Cambridge?  (Read 2980 times)

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Difference between Edexcel and Cambridge?
« on: September 23, 2011, 03:12:19 pm »
My school is offering Edexcel and Cambridge AS Math...
And it is our choice to choose which one we want!

Actually I know Cambridge and never heard of Edexcel!
Please tell me if the certificate differ in USA/Egypt/Canada/UK between cambridge and edexcel.
The tuition fees of the exam is the same as cambridge?
Are they the same syllabus?? if not which is harder?
Does cambridge prepare me better for uni than Edexcel?

Please suggest which one to take and point out Advantages and Disadvantages of both to get a clearer picture! :D

Thank you for your help! :D

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Re: Difference between Edexcel and Cambridge?
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2011, 05:00:58 pm »
That's a Whole  BUNCH of Questions LOL but I can only Answer few  :-\

I don't know about the Money to be honest  :-X

Syllabus Q => Different Syllabi ! The Edexcel Math is just 'Basics' [ that's why it's called CORE ::) ] while the CIE Math goes deeper than just Basics ;)

CIE prepares you more for Uni especially if you're going into a Major that has Math involved in it, because as I said there are things in the CIE that aren't in the Edexcel because Edexcel is just 'Basics'.

I hope I helped =]
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