New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
Girls, there are plenty of cocoa beans to satisfy all of us. So, no more choco fight.
^^^^Thank God I have no particular liking for dark chocolate
:oWHY* lightning in background*its amazing
*Freezes the lightening with one flick* Dunno, never liked how it tastes. Too bitter?*Unfreezes lightening*
i got dark chocolate for me-selfgonna have it tonight
LOOOL Tohru...*open mouth* this is painful seeing it and not eating it. So speaking about chocolates..which chocolate brand do you prefer? I LOVE Lindt and Cadbury the most!
Save the Earth....it's the only planet that has Chocolate
Nah Tohru, I shy away form dark chocolate as soon as I see it.I prefer Snickers anyday!
^You are making me hungry, sis. =,=