Author Topic: NEED HELP IN ENGLISH AS LEVEL  (Read 3487 times)

Offline Ghost Of Highbury

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« Reply #15 on: August 16, 2011, 02:11:25 pm »
Apart from all the extra reading and watching english sitcoms, read the endorsed CIE AS English book very well.
Make notes with a detailed list of examples. (Examples of Tones, Purpose, Genres, Audience etc.)

The most important thing in the commentary paper is to give an effect created on the reader.
Try to make a list for the various figures of speech and the effect created by 'em. Ofcourse, these may vary from the actual purpose of the figure of speech in few essays, but a general list should help you. Be sure to memorize them.


The writer uses long sentences ---Effect---> Wants to linger on the same idea/wants the audience to be fully absorbed.

Short sentences ---Effect--> The staccato effect arouses reader's curiosity. The aim is to hit home/jolt the reader into paying attention.

Use of repetition --Effect--> To build up interest/to make the sentence sound poetic/to attract the reader's attention.

Rhetorical Question ---Effect--> It's simply a reshaped statement to give it emphasis.

Many of these are from the Book itself. As I told you earlier, it's the best guide you can follow.
Try to make notes of your own (similar to the above if you want). Read the numerous examples of commentaries given in the book
and pick out the effects written.

Be sure to include the writer's genre, the tone of the writer, the audience and the overview of the passage in the first paragraph. That should fetch you some marks instantly. Also, pay close attention to the punctuations used, you should find something on punctuations and its effects in the book too.

Here are some more examples of effects created by different figures of speech.

Contrast - To create a mixture of different attitudes in the reader's mind/ To puzzle the audience
   Hyperbole - To draw attention and amuse/shock/impress the reader
    Pun - Again, to amuse the reader/create a light atmosphere.
    Colon (Punctuation) - sets up an expectation
[A common effect for all can be 'to sound poetic/attractive']

Good luck, hope you do extremely well this time!
divine intervention!

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« Reply #16 on: August 17, 2011, 06:54:35 am »
Apart from all the extra reading and watching english sitcoms, read the endorsed CIE AS English book very well.
Make notes with a detailed list of examples. (Examples of Tones, Purpose, Genres, Audience etc.)

The most important thing in the commentary paper is to give an effect created on the reader.
Try to make a list for the various figures of speech and the effect created by 'em. Ofcourse, these may vary from the actual purpose of the figure of speech in few essays, but a general list should help you. Be sure to memorize them.


The writer uses long sentences ---Effect---> Wants to linger on the same idea/wants the audience to be fully absorbed.

Short sentences ---Effect--> The staccato effect arouses reader's curiosity. The aim is to hit home/jolt the reader into paying attention.

Use of repetition --Effect--> To build up interest/to make the sentence sound poetic/to attract the reader's attention.

Rhetorical Question ---Effect--> It's simply a reshaped statement to give it emphasis.

Many of these are from the Book itself. As I told you earlier, it's the best guide you can follow.
Try to make notes of your own (similar to the above if you want). Read the numerous examples of commentaries given in the book
and pick out the effects written.

Be sure to include the writer's genre, the tone of the writer, the audience and the overview of the passage in the first paragraph. That should fetch you some marks instantly. Also, pay close attention to the punctuations used, you should find something on punctuations and its effects in the book too.

Here are some more examples of effects created by different figures of speech.

Contrast - To create a mixture of different attitudes in the reader's mind/ To puzzle the audience
   Hyperbole - To draw attention and amuse/shock/impress the reader
    Pun - Again, to amuse the reader/create a light atmosphere.
    Colon (Punctuation) - sets up an expectation
[A common effect for all can be 'to sound poetic/attractive']

Good luck, hope you do extremely well this time!

IN cie A level the commentary is given in that way only we have to write or in what because this time i am hoping for A grade so pls give some solved past papers  some more tips

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« Reply #17 on: August 23, 2011, 09:35:32 am »


The genre is speech .The writer purpose is to draw attentions of the citizen to know the the rights of the women and how important they are .the writer has adapted a very serious and motivational tone throughout the passage .the writer has directed towards the audience who are well educated and can help to fight for their rights and a wide class of people .

the openeing sentence of paragraph itself potrays the theme of the passage quite well .In line 4 and 5 comas are used to show the effect and various professions women are into and also speakers trys to motivate audience that women are now in every field

In line 6 to 13 the writer becomes more specific and exaggerates that women are everywhere and are more concern about their children and family ,this gives emotional appeal towards audience .

In second paragraph contrasting words are used  united us than divided us .this gives more more effect to audience as women have all common intreset so they are more united .

In third paragraph writer gives information for why the audience are attending conference and this gives audience a accurate knowledge and make them more attentive .

in line 22 to 27 let them is indirectly linked to the goverment official and politician of the world who disrespect the women, as writer is not using a conterversial lines that can cause a problem so she is just respecting and using words let them as audience can understand the writer to whom the writer is pointing out .

In line 32 to 38 the writer gives information how important  these conference  how they made changes in peoples lives , this creates a sense of responsibility towards the audience .

this much i have writen so please can you check and give me grade and my weakness point