Author Topic: ~Dua~  (Read 12822 times)

Offline Tohru Kyo Sohma

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Re: ~Dua~
« Reply #15 on: August 03, 2011, 09:27:42 am »
this Dua can be read before your exam results since every one will be stressed out
Dua For Distress
Allahumma rahmataka arjoo falaa takilnee ilaa nafsee tarfata ‘aynin wa aslih-lee sha’nee kullahu, laa ilaha illa anta.
O Allah! It is Your mercy that I hope for so do not leave me in charge of my affairs even for a blink of an eye and rectify for me all of my affairs. None has the right to be worshipped except You.

Offline iluvme

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Re: ~Dua~
« Reply #16 on: August 03, 2011, 09:44:48 am »
Good site fer Duas: ;D

Another trying to attach but is quite large! =[

Romeesa, I hope you check the credibility of the site before you post.

In I found this,
It is advisable to postpone breaking one's fast to later than the Isha Prayer unless one is too weak to keep fasting or other people are waiting for you to break the fast.
  under the topic Iftaar. Here,

But it is reported in Sahih Al Bukhari, Volume 3 Book 31, Number 178:
Narrated Sahl bin Sad:

Allah's Apostle said, "The people will remain on the right path as long as they hasten the breaking of the fast."
Take a look at it over here,

There are many ahadith which urge the Muslims to hasten and break the fast. NOT postpone it till later than Isha.
 And also, in Sahih Al Bukhari Volume 3 Book 31, Number 179:
Narrated Ibn Abi Aufa:

I was with the Prophet on a journey, and he observed the fast till evening. The Prophet said to a man, "Get down and mix Sawiq with water for me." He replied, "Will you wait till it is evening?" The Prophet said, "Get down and mix Sawiq with water for me; when you see night falling from this side, the fasting person should break his fast."

''when you see night falling from this side'' as in the sun setting.

Hope you understand. :)
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Offline Tohru Kyo Sohma

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Re: ~Dua~
« Reply #17 on: August 03, 2011, 10:09:43 am »
Romeesa, I hope you check the credibility of the site before you post.

In I found this,   under the topic Iftaar. Here,

But it is reported in Sahih Al Bukhari, Volume 3 Book 31, Number 178:Take a look at it over here,

There are many ahadith which urge the Muslims to hasten and break the fast. NOT postpone it till later than Isha.
 And also, in Sahih Al Bukhari Volume 3 Book 31, Number 179:
''when you see night falling from this side'' as in the sun setting.

Hope you understand. :) is not an authentic site!

Offline Romeesa-Chan

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Re: ~Dua~
« Reply #18 on: August 03, 2011, 02:08:49 pm »
Romeesa, I hope you check the credibility of the site before you post.

In I found this,   under the topic Iftaar. Here,

But it is reported in Sahih Al Bukhari, Volume 3 Book 31, Number 178:Take a look at it over here,

There are many ahadith which urge the Muslims to hasten and break the fast. NOT postpone it till later than Isha.
 And also, in Sahih Al Bukhari Volume 3 Book 31, Number 179:
''when you see night falling from this side'' as in the sun setting.

Hope you understand. :)

I always check the site for Duas.

I rather not comment on this further.

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Re: ~Dua~
« Reply #19 on: August 03, 2011, 09:43:56 pm »
Amazing Dua of an AWESOME Shiekh 8) ..mA mA mA =D

Here :


Don't forget to include me in your prayers ;)
Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest(13:28)

Please, Don't forget to Include GG in your Prayers =D

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Re: ~Dua~
« Reply #20 on: August 04, 2011, 06:04:57 am »
^Miss you, GG-Chan. =[

Ayat ul Kursi- recommended after every obligatory Salah. (:

Hadhrat Anas (ra) said that Nabi (saw) said: "The one who recites Ayatul Kursi after every fard Salaat will be protected until the next Salaat and this is constantly done by a Nabi or a Siddiq or a martyr."
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Offline iluvme

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Re: ~Dua~
« Reply #21 on: August 04, 2011, 06:13:47 am »
^Miss you, GG-Chan. =[

Ayat ul Kursi- recommended after every obligatory Salah. (:

Hadhrat Anas (ra) said that Nabi (saw) said: "The one who recites Ayatul Kursi after every fard Salaat will be protected until the next Salaat and this is constantly done by a Nabi or a Siddiq or a martyr."

And a few more benefits,

1. Ubayy bin Ka’b (radiAllahu anhu) reported: The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Abu Mundhir! Do you know which Ayah in Allah’s Book is the greatest? I said: ‘Allah and His messenger know best.’He (peace be upon him) again said: ‘Do you know which Ayah in Allah’s Book, according to you, is the greatest?’ I (Abu Mundhir) replied: ‘It is ‘Allah la ilaha illa Huwal-Hayyul-Qayyum’.[2:255]. Thereupon he (peace be upon him) patted me in the chest and said, ‘ Rejoice by your knowledge, O Abu Mundhir! (i.e, may this knowledge be a source of respect, honour and benefit to you)’.” [Muslim]

2. Asma’ bint Yazid (radiAllahu anhu) reported, ‘I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) say about these two following Ayahs, i.e, verses: “Allah! There is no god but He – the Living, The Self-subsisting, Eternal. [2:255], And, Alif Lam Mim, Allah! There is no god but He – the Living, The Self-subsisting, Eternal [3:1-2], That they contain Allah’s Greatest Name.” [Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal in his Musnad]

3. It was narrated that Abu Umamah Al-Bahili (radiAllahu anhu) said: The Messenger of Allah (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said: “Whoever recites Ayat al-Kursi immediately after each prescribed Prayer, there will be nothing standing between him and his entering Paradise except death.” [an-Nasa'i, Ibn Hibban, ibn Sunni, at-Tabarani, ibn Hibban - Sahih].In another narration is appears that the status of this act (reciting Ayatul Kursi after every Fardh Salaat) is equal to the act of a person who lays down his life in Jihad while defending the blessed Prophet SAW of Allah.[Ibn Al-Sunni, P- 34]
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Re: ~Dua~
« Reply #22 on: August 04, 2011, 06:18:41 am »
And a few more benefits,

1. Ubayy bin Ka’b (radiAllahu anhu) reported: The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Abu Mundhir! Do you know which Ayah in Allah’s Book is the greatest? I said: ‘Allah and His messenger know best.’He (peace be upon him) again said: ‘Do you know which Ayah in Allah’s Book, according to you, is the greatest?’ I (Abu Mundhir) replied: ‘It is ‘Allah la ilaha illa Huwal-Hayyul-Qayyum’.[2:255]. Thereupon he (peace be upon him) patted me in the chest and said, ‘ Rejoice by your knowledge, O Abu Mundhir! (i.e, may this knowledge be a source of respect, honour and benefit to you)’.” [Muslim]

2. Asma’ bint Yazid (radiAllahu anhu) reported, ‘I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) say about these two following Ayahs, i.e, verses: “Allah! There is no god but He – the Living, The Self-subsisting, Eternal. [2:255], And, Alif Lam Mim, Allah! There is no god but He – the Living, The Self-subsisting, Eternal [3:1-2], That they contain Allah’s Greatest Name.” [Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal in his Musnad]

3. It was narrated that Abu Umamah Al-Bahili (radiAllahu anhu) said: The Messenger of Allah (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said: “Whoever recites Ayat al-Kursi immediately after each prescribed Prayer, there will be nothing standing between him and his entering Paradise except death.” [an-Nasa'i, Ibn Hibban, ibn Sunni, at-Tabarani, ibn Hibban - Sahih].In another narration is appears that the status of this act (reciting Ayatul Kursi after every Fardh Salaat) is equal to the act of a person who lays down his life in Jihad while defending the blessed Prophet SAW of Allah.[Ibn Al-Sunni, P- 34]

Masha Allah.

JazakAllah khair <3
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Re: ~Dua~
« Reply #23 on: August 07, 2011, 02:09:44 am »
Dua for Salatal Istikhara :D
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Re: ~Dua~
« Reply #24 on: August 07, 2011, 06:44:22 pm »
This is for Taraweeh.
Usually said after every 4 rakats of taraweeh

And since many of us plan to complete the Quran this month we should say this dua after completing it :D
This is the small version.

Both are attached
« Last Edit: August 07, 2011, 06:47:03 pm by Ang3l »
If you are a man who degrades women then allow me to respectfully remind you that you came from ONE

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Re: ~Dua~
« Reply #25 on: August 08, 2011, 11:07:00 pm »
Your Duas Answered

What if I tell you that I know a way that will ensure that all your prayers are answered, that none of your Duas will be rejected and anything that you ask for will be granted?
Wouldn't you like to know what that way is? Wouldn't you jump at the chance to avail that?
But.....what is that way? How can we achieve all this and more?
The answer to that, brothers and sisters, isn't anything secret or hidden. The answer has been there for ages. Actually, its been there for the last 1400 years.. We just didn't look hard enough. We just didn't pay much attention to it. It is what Allah (swt) has promised His slaves every single day….every time he sits down to break his fast. The answer lies in the hadith of the Prophet (saww) when he said that the prayer of a fasting person is not rejected.


So Allah answers the Dua of the fasting person at iftaar time.
But, alas, most of us are either unaware of this great blessing of Allaah or are too busy thinking about food at this time. Some of us are frying ‘samosas’ till the last minute, setting the table and preparing ‘hot’ food. Some are too busy talking, arguing about the exact time of the maghrib adhaan, or watching television (may Allah protect us), reading the newspaper and some are even sleeping until after the Maghrib adhaan has been called! And some are busy filling up their plates even before the time to break the fast has entered!

Allah is promising us that He will answer our prayers and we are too busy to respond?!!
What a waste of a golden opportunity….a chance of a lifetime to have your supplications accepted!

What is the matter with us? Is food really the most important thing….the ultimate goal of our lives?!! Is it food that Ramadhaan is all about?!!
Why do we not take full advantage of this great gift of Allah?
Don't you see?!
Here is your chance to earn Jannah!
Now is the time to ask for forgiveness…for EVERYTHING you have EVER done….And He will forgive you.
Ask Him for guidance for you and your family and He will guide you.  
Ask Him to solve all your problems, and He will find a solution for you.
Ask Him for this Dunya and He will grant it to you. And the Aakhirah….He will suffice you.

It is said that the intelligent is the one who takes advantage of the situation. So don't let this great opportunity pass you by. Know that Allah listens to the fasting person’s supplication and answers it. So finish all your work and preparations 5 minutes before Iftaar time. Teach this to your kids and your families and encourage them to do the same. Don't let the Dunya distract you. Sit down peacefully, clear your mind of all thoughts, bow your head and raise those hands. Go ahead and make use of this precious...precious time when you are breaking your fast to ask Allah for all those things that would make your life easy in this world and in the Hereafter.
And do it with full faith and confidence that Allah will surely respond.
Why wouldn't He?? He said so and so He will.
May Allah (swt) accept all our supplications and our aamaals, inshaAllah. Ilahi ameen.
Iltemase dua.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2011, 11:20:41 pm by ~ Yuuki ~ »
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Offline Romeesa-Chan

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Re: ~Dua~
« Reply #26 on: August 09, 2011, 07:11:20 am »
In the Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Most Merciful

Since Exam Results are around the corner.

Thought of sharing some Duas for all of us! =]

Supplication for one whose affairs have become difficult

‘O Allah, there is no ease except in that which You have made easy, and You make difficulty, if You wish, easy.’

Dua for one in distress

‘O Allah, it is Your mercy that I hope for, so do not leave me in charge of my affairs even for a blink of an eye and rectify for me all of my affairs. None has the right to be worshipped except You.’

To thank Allah for good results:

‘O Allah, what blessing I or any of Your creation have risen upon, is from You alone, without partner, so for You is all praise and unto You all thanks.’

…whoever says this in the morning has indeed offered his day’s thanks and whoever says this in the evening has indeed offered his night’s thanks.

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Offline Tohru Kyo Sohma

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Re: ~Dua~
« Reply #27 on: August 09, 2011, 01:43:28 pm »
Your Duas Answered

What if I tell you that I know a way that will ensure that all your prayers are answered, that none of your Duas will be rejected and anything that you ask for will be granted?
Wouldn't you like to know what that way is? Wouldn't you jump at the chance to avail that?
But.....what is that way? How can we achieve all this and more?
The answer to that, brothers and sisters, isn't anything secret or hidden. The answer has been there for ages. Actually, its been there for the last 1400 years.. We just didn't look hard enough. We just didn't pay much attention to it. It is what Allah (swt) has promised His slaves every single day….every time he sits down to break his fast. The answer lies in the hadith of the Prophet (saww) when he said that the prayer of a fasting person is not rejected.


So Allah answers the Dua of the fasting person at iftaar time.
But, alas, most of us are either unaware of this great blessing of Allaah or are too busy thinking about food at this time. Some of us are frying ‘samosas’ till the last minute, setting the table and preparing ‘hot’ food. Some are too busy talking, arguing about the exact time of the maghrib adhaan, or watching television (may Allah protect us), reading the newspaper and some are even sleeping until after the Maghrib adhaan has been called! And some are busy filling up their plates even before the time to break the fast has entered!

Allah is promising us that He will answer our prayers and we are too busy to respond?!!
What a waste of a golden opportunity….a chance of a lifetime to have your supplications accepted!

What is the matter with us? Is food really the most important thing….the ultimate goal of our lives?!! Is it food that Ramadhaan is all about?!!
Why do we not take full advantage of this great gift of Allah?
Don't you see?!
Here is your chance to earn Jannah!
Now is the time to ask for forgiveness…for EVERYTHING you have EVER done….And He will forgive you.
Ask Him for guidance for you and your family and He will guide you.  
Ask Him to solve all your problems, and He will find a solution for you.
Ask Him for this Dunya and He will grant it to you. And the Aakhirah….He will suffice you.

It is said that the intelligent is the one who takes advantage of the situation. So don't let this great opportunity pass you by. Know that Allah listens to the fasting person’s supplication and answers it. So finish all your work and preparations 5 minutes before Iftaar time. Teach this to your kids and your families and encourage them to do the same. Don't let the Dunya distract you. Sit down peacefully, clear your mind of all thoughts, bow your head and raise those hands. Go ahead and make use of this precious...precious time when you are breaking your fast to ask Allah for all those things that would make your life easy in this world and in the Hereafter.
And do it with full faith and confidence that Allah will surely respond.
Why wouldn't He?? He said so and so He will.
May Allah (swt) accept all our supplications and our aamaals, inshaAllah. Ilahi ameen.
Iltemase dua.

JazaAllah Khair romeesa~noona for sharing
Indeed the prayers of a fasting person will be answered by Allah

In the Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Most Merciful

Since Exam Results are around the corner.

Thought of sharing some Duas for all of us! =]

Supplication for one whose affairs have become difficult

‘O Allah, there is no ease except in that which You have made easy, and You make difficulty, if You wish, easy.’

Dua for one in distress

‘O Allah, it is Your mercy that I hope for, so do not leave me in charge of my affairs even for a blink of an eye and rectify for me all of my affairs. None has the right to be worshipped except You.’

To thank Allah for good results:

‘O Allah, what blessing I or any of Your creation have risen upon, is from You alone, without partner, so for You is all praise and unto You all thanks.’

…whoever says this in the morning has indeed offered his day’s thanks and whoever says this in the evening has indeed offered his night’s thanks.

again JazaAllah Khair romeesa~noona

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Re: ~Dua~
« Reply #28 on: August 10, 2011, 03:10:55 pm »
^JazakAllah khairon <3

Duas and supplications to seek protection from the evil “eye”, sihr (magic), and other evils.

The Quran and the Ahadith of the prophet have clearly explained the harmful effects of evil eye (al-ain), sihr (magic), jealousy, and other such ailments. Their detrimental effects are frequently referred to both in the Quran and the Ahadith of the prophet. The sad part is that many of us many not even know if we are affected by such evils and go about living our lives with the harmful effects affecting our lives. Al-Bazzaar narrated a hadith with a hasan isnaad from Jaabir (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had said (in part of the hadith) that a certain portion of his ummah dies because of the effects of the evil eye.”

Almost all scholars agree that the evil eye is real and is proven both by Islamic teachings and by real life experiences. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “And verily, those who disbelieve would almost make you slip with their eyes (through hatred)” [al-Qalam 68:51]

~Use of Ruqya

As a cure for such evils, Allah has told us to use the words of the Quran. Such a treatment, also referred to as Ruqyah, uses Allah’s words from the Quran and prayers both from the Quran and the Ahadith to seek protection from and to treat a person. Allah says in the Quran, “And We send down from the Quran that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe…” [Quran 17:82]

Unfortunately, many Muslims today either don’t make use of such protection from the Quran or get involved in the use of lucky charms and amulets, the use of which is considered Shirk [associating others with Allah] and thus pushes one outside the boundaries of Islam. We should understand that carrying amulets and charms for the purpose of protecting oneself against the evil eye and witchcraft is completely forbidden in Islam. The prophet said, “Whoever wears an amulet has associated others with Allah (shirk).” [Narrated by Ahmad (16781); classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in al-Silsilah al-Saheehah (492).] Ahmad (17440) also narrated that ‘Uqbah ibn ‘Aamir (may Allah be pleased with him) said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say: “Whoever wears an amulet, may Allah never fulfill his wish and whoever wears a seashell, may Allah never protect him from what he fears.” [Hadeeth classed as hasan by al-Arna’oot in his commentary on al-Musnad.]

As Muslims, therefore, we should use only the words of Quran and Duas in the authentic Ahadith to treat oneself or others from the evils of the eye, magic and other such practices.

Below are some of the Quranic verses and Dua’s that can be used for Ruqya. A better listing of Quranic verses and Ahadith for such purposes is listed in the short e-book that you can get at the end of this post.

Quranic verses and Duas

-Surah Al-Fatihah
-Last 4 Surahs of the Quran (Al-Kaafiroon, Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq, An-Naas)
-First 5 verses of Surah Al-Baqarah
-and more included in this e-book

Selected Duas


We may never know what part of our lives are being impacted by the effects of the evil eye and sihr. Let’s ensure that we make these Duas part of our daily lives to protect (and treat) us from all such evil effects as the prophet instructed us to do so.

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Offline Tohru Kyo Sohma

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Re: ~Dua~
« Reply #29 on: August 12, 2011, 12:45:29 pm »
Dua Jam'e (complete & concise)

This is a complete & concise dua to be repeatedly recited for any need.


"Bismillahir rahmanir rahim Alhamdo lillahii ala kulle ne'matay,wa astaghfirullaha min kullay zambin,wa asaluha min kulle khair,wa auzu billahi min kulle sharr"

Thank you Allah (swt) for all the blessings ,Oh Allah Forgive all our sins, give us all that is good & keep us away from all that is bad.