It shows $ 9 11, they didn't see well. Which can be interpreted as 5/9/11. 

My pyramid really isn't an illuminati symbol. It's just a representation of the Pyramids at Giza, one of the oldest and most wonderful and still-alive proofs of how 'primitive' architecture can be magnificent, just like the Great Wall of China, The Colosseum, and many others that still survive. And the eye in it is the eye of Horus, in that every Egyptian Pharaoh had a symbol, like the vulture, the cobra, the jackal, the cat, the sun, the crocodile, even Ra had an 'eye', from a civilization which existed long before 'the Illuminati' cropped into the world.
I've watched the video for the times highlighted. There are thousands of movies made in Hollywood, which each, at least, lasts for 1h 30. From these, a trillion of evidences can be found to illustrate, forget Illuminati alone, a billions of other such symbols. All the 9's can be inverted to give the Satanic 6. Even a circle is a symbol. We could argue that the 'actors' have a circled face, so they all must be representing Satanic followers. There are three circles below $tyli$h Executive's nick and everybody else using YM, Skype and has a site. If you have two eyes, both of your pupils are circles. So? 
Results are announced on the 11th. 
(If anyone of you was born on the 11th Sept, or will be 20 years old this year-- 11+9=20-- don't tell this in public.
Now, I think this too:
resembles an inverted pyramid. 
Before there's another such video, anyone who's interested may do one: look for all signs suggesting 2012 you can find in all the movies ever made, walk around, search for the number on people's clothes, ID cards, bills, magazines, etc.
Come on, a circle is a circle, a pyramid is a pyramid, an eye is an eye, a number is a number. Our world is full of shapes, forms and figures without which nothing would have been definite. Adopting one that is 'common' does not infest everybody with a 'dark-world' disease.
I think this must be what we call mutating a paranoid society.
Just viewed this as a guest, and the first thing that stroke me was: who gave 'Illimunati' the right to steal one of the oldest world civilizations' symbol?
Or maybe that's their astute? Stealing symbols and representations that are already well-established, hence finding a quick and easy way to be well-propagated before they are even known to most people.
Taking a break, I know. Bye bye. 
Yeah that's what I posted few days ago :
I disliked the video. As someone said, the triangle, circle and star are basic geometric figures so not necessarily anyone using them means he/she are evil.
Also the eye symbol or the fingers one which I think it's for rock and roll.
Alright, new world order might be happening now as we can see what is happening in the Arab world and the Muslim world but not as that video described it.

If I want to use numbers to interpret that the world will end in 2012 I could do that easily, even if I say the world will end in 2900 I can also do that.
Illuminati might be real but not as people describe it.