New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
Yeah,they are amazing,I love people who make life as a game of chess or something,Shikamaru is also good and I loved the way Orochimaru says Sasuke-kun,he sounded somewhat deseprate
I don't like Kaname at all,how dare you compare him to Lelouch or Light-kun :OYeah,his battle with Temari was great Orochimaru sounds like a retarded goat
I rewatched the good parts in Naruto Shippuuden from ep 1-50 today(only took me one hour),I was looking for the part where Hinata met Naruto,its hilarious
Hahaha,when he was sulking because NAruto remembered Hinata and Kiba,but not him
Yeah,why does he wear sunglasses and a raincoat in all times :S