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JazakAllah khairon. (:

Thanks fer that!^

Although, Wikipedia is unreliable. :P


--- Quote from: ~ Fairy ~ on July 25, 2011, 09:52:45 pm ---JazakAllah khairon. (:

Thanks fer that!^

Although, Wikipedia is unreliable. :P

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What is written there is true though.


--- Quote from: SpongeBob-Mony on July 25, 2011, 09:56:05 pm ---What is written there is true though.

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I agree, chere. (:
Moral of the story:
~ Only rely on Allah ~ :D


--- Quote from: woteverr... on July 24, 2011, 03:15:35 pm ---Awesomely, amazingly, FANTASTABULOUS!!!  You have great talent mA!!!  :o :o

Why don't you post more paintings??!!! 

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Thank you. :)

--- Quote from: woteverr... on July 24, 2011, 03:19:20 pm ---But she did say she had more paintings!! and you never get to that level on a single painting alone... Its called common sense!!::)

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And intelligent comment.  ::)

I've looked for some more of my works. I tend to do things, and then I forget about them.
That made me remember 3 beautiful years of my life. Thanks again. :)

--- Quote from: Deadly_king on July 24, 2011, 06:39:14 pm ---Woooooooowwwww.............Alf that was extremely amazing!

I never knew that we had so much talent in this small island of ours.............;)

Impressive, you are ;)

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Thank youuuu Dk. :):)

Hehe, Mauritians are a lot talented, have to agree here. Not only me, many others are. ;D

--- Quote from: Romy on July 25, 2011, 12:05:56 pm ---WOW. OMG. AMAZING.

Superb! (Y)

Masha Allah !!! ;D *knock on the wood* :D

Keep up the great work! :D

Truly gifted, Masha Allah! :D

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Thank you Romeesa <3 :):):)

Tomato again.  :D

I'll upload some more. :)

Allow me to upload here...


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