General Chat NEW! The Student Forums Chatroom > Graphics, Visual Effects and Art

Alpha's TALENT <<

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^ Exactly :o

Its Awesome :o WoW

*Blush*  :)

Now, I'll resemble a tomato.  :P

Yes, I did that. And many more. :D

And lol, don't ask me what it's doing in the Permanent Bin. ::)


--- Quote from: ~Alpha on July 21, 2011, 07:54:38 pm ---And lol, don't ask me what it's doing in the Permanent Bin. ::)

--- End quote ---

You read my mind straight....I was just going to ask that....what is it doing in the permanent bin?

It should be a sticky topic in Chit Chat :D


--- Quote from: ~MujtabaM~ on July 21, 2011, 07:59:30 pm ---You read my mind straight....I was just going to ask that....what is it doing in the permanent bin?

It should be a sticky topic in Chit Chat :D

--- End quote ---

Lol. :D

1) Was checking the size.
2) Was trying to upload.

And it gives me an idea.  ::)


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