General Chat NEW! The Student Forums Chatroom > Graphics, Visual Effects and Art

Alpha's TALENT <<

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Moved to Chit the world can see your talent  ;)

Thank you GG, DK. :)

Thank you Banana. ;D


--- Quote from: ~Alpha on July 24, 2011, 07:12:07 am ---Thank you DK. :)

Thank you Banana. ;D

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So now you are stuck on 'Banana'? ::) I have a name you know  ;)

MashAllah,you have some great talents,show us some of your other artwork if possible  :-[


--- Quote from: ~MujtabaM~ on July 24, 2011, 07:46:56 am ---So now you are stuck on 'Banana'? ::) I have a name you know  ;)

--- End quote ---

Banana is cute. :D
Rhymes with 'ananas' (= pine apple in French, silent s).  ;D

--- Quote from: HUSH1994 on July 24, 2011, 07:49:32 am ---MashAllah,you have some great talents,show us some of your other artwork if possible  :-[

--- End quote ---

Thank you.  :) But why ' :-['?  :-\

I don't have many, but I'll upload those I do soon.  :)


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