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Alpha's TALENT <<

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--- Quote from: ~Alpha on July 26, 2011, 03:24:59 pm ---No, Banana is good as it is. :P

Romeesa, you cannot view all of them? Or only those?

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Ok you win.... ::) I'm too tired to argue....this doesn't end here  ::) ;)

Locke Lamora:

 MA you are quite skilled!!


--- Quote from: SpongeBob-Mony on July 26, 2011, 03:38:07 pm ---Woohooooo BEAUTY MASHALLAH! :D I really love the colors you use!

How long does it take to paint one of those?

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Thank you. :):):)

My teacher would give us 2 weeks to submit every work, but I would take 3.  ::)
She'd excuse my lateness knowing I'd give her good pieces.

Except the Pointillism style, which is really very time-consuming (around 3-6 months if you count all the other subjects I had to study then), painting takes only few days, sometimes, hours. It's deciding about the plot that takes time. I would often spend most of the time allocated to art surfing the net to finally reach a satisfying plot, get all the styles I wanted to include, etc.

I liked trying different painting mediums, feathers, rocks, vegetables. The last draft I posted, the wood, was actually painted using wood itself. :D

@ Mujtabam, correction:
The beach is Riambel, not Albion. Sorry, my bad. I just saw another Albion picture I once took.  :-X

--- Quote from: Sorfeena || Romeesa on July 26, 2011, 03:39:20 pm ---OMGGGGGGG. Thank yuh! :-[ :P

Masha Allah

They were EXTRAORDINARY, Masha Allah. Keep up the great work!

I loved them! :D

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Thank you. *blush*  :):):)

Glad you could view them. :)

--- Quote from: $tyli$h Executive on July 26, 2011, 04:20:06 pm ---When I was young, I always used to fail (or be at borderline) in Arts and Drawing subject because I thought it is useless. Now I understand how extraordinary it can be!

If I had the chance, I'd buy the butterfly one. ;D

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Everything in life can be extraordinary if you learn to do them well and give in the efforts. :)

Art is everywhere present in our everyday life. In the cinema, advertisements, architecture-- everywhere. You should try different styles. Maybe you did not like painting, or simply drawing, but you'll surely find one that suits you very well. I had friends who were 'bad' at drawing, but pioneers at glass painting. All about finding the style that suits you.  ;)

Nah, my paintings are not, to be honest, in a sale-able condition. But if I get the chance, I'd make one for you, free. :)

--- Quote from: Sorfeena || Romeesa on July 26, 2011, 04:24:09 pm ---I kept one as my wall-paper! :D

Hope yuh don't mind, Alpha?! :-[

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Of course not! I'm flattered. ;D

Which one, may I ask? Do you want a bigger version? Because here, I reduced the sizes so that I could upload them.  :)

--- Quote from: woteverr... on July 26, 2011, 05:55:44 pm ---AWESOME TALENT!!  :o :o

 MA you are quite skilled!!

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Thank you, Sir. :)
These came on your request, and Hush's. So, I think, others should thank you both, not me.  :)

--- Quote from: ~MujtabaM~ on July 26, 2011, 04:35:19 pm ---Ok you win.... ::) I'm too tired to argue....this doesn't end here  ::) ;)

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Nice contradiction.  ;)

Were these painted on canvas or A3 paper? or a large chart?

A3 paper, carson paper, newspaper. I've never used canvas, tbh. They were for higher classes, I was only in my 3rd class. :P


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