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Alpha's TALENT <<

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--- Quote from: ~Alpha on July 26, 2011, 03:00:06 pm ---Naah.  8)
Tbh, I find your name difficult. Banana is easier for me.

--- End quote ---

Difficult?  ::) aren't the first person to have said that  ::)

You can shorten it or call me 'The One and Only M&M'  8) 8).... :P


--- Quote from: ~Alpha on July 26, 2011, 12:00:34 pm ---

Plot: Still Life
Painting style: Pointillism (dots).
Material: Compo black pen.

This took me almost 6 months to complete.

Pointillism again.
What a match stick and some paint can do.

--- End quote ---

I cannot view them! :'(

No, Banana is good as it is. :P

Romeesa, you cannot view all of them? Or only those?

All of them ! =[

Oh... :(

I will move them for you from the Permanent Bin, lol. :)


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