Fasting in the holy month of Ramadan was made compulsory in the 2nd year of Hijri. We come across the commands of fasting in Surah Al Baqarah - "O those who believe, the fasts have been enjoined upon you as were enjoined upon those before you so that you be God-fearing. Days (of fasting are) few in number. However, should anyone of you be sick or on a journey, then a number from other days. And those who have the strength, on them there is a ransom: the feeding of a poor person. Then whoever does good voluntarily, that is better for him. And that you fast is better for you, if you know." (2:182-183) Also, all good deeds done in this month will be rewarded 70 times more.
Its importance is great in Islam because :-
1) It is the fourth of five pillars of Islaam.
2. Fasts help maintain health and develop the body well.
3. Fasts cleanse and purify the heart, mind and soul.
4. Fasts acquaint the rich with the plight of the poor.
5. Fasts help promote equality among community members by bringing the well-to-do and poor at par.
6. Fasts firm up spiritual strength and weaken carnal forces.
7. Fasts help one become used to difficulties and hardships.
8. Fasts provide one with forbearance, patience and endurance against hunger and thirst.
9. Fasts provide mental and spiritual concentration and peace.
10. Fasts serve as sentinel against evils and sins.
11. Fasts inspire Islamic spirit and zeal to do virtuous deeds.
12. Observance of fast is a secret and quiet worship which is free from show and hypocrisy.
13. Fast is an effective source of warding off calamities and disasters. There are many other benefits and advantages of fasts as defined by Quraan-o-Hadees.
Excellence's of fast as defined by the Hadiths. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him) said:
1. When the holy month of Ramadaan comes, the gates of heavens,mercy are opened up and of hell shut down. And Satans are chained up.
2. The Paradise is adorned and bedecked round the year for Ramadaan and when the first day of Ramadaan comes, there blows a wind originating from the leaves of the heaven trees, beneath the heavens over the houries who say:
"O'Allah! provide us our husbands from among Your servants so that we are pleased with them and they are pleased with us".
3. There are eight gates of Paradise and one of those is called
"Raiyaan". The believers who observe fasts will enter into paradise from this gate.
4. There are two pleasures for the believer who observes fasts:
- When he breaks his fast and
- when he will meet his "Rabb" (Creator, Sovereign Lord). The smell of the mouth of fasting man is purer with Allah than the fragrance of musk.
The first "Ashrah" (ten days) of Ramadaan is "mercy", the second one is "absolution, forgiveness" and the last (third) Ashrah is "freedom from hell". 6. Fast is (kept) for Allah and He alone knows how great a reward of fast is.
7. There is Zakaat of every thing and Zakaat of the body is fasting and fast is half of patience. 8. "Du'aa" (supplication) of fasting man is not rejected at the time of "Iftaar" (fast breaking).
9. If people had known the reality of Ramadaan, my (Prophet's) Ummat would wish that the whole year may be Ramadaan.
10. My Ummat has been graced with such five things that were not given to any other Prophet i.e.
- That on the first night of Ramadaan Allah Almighty casts a merciful eye on them and whom Allah looks with mercy will never consign him to hell,
- that the smell of the mouth of fasting man is more pleasant to Allah in the evening than the fragrance of musk,
- that the angels pray for the forgiveness of fasting man every day and night,
- that Allah Almighty commands the paradise to get itself adorned for the fasting people so that they may rest in it after having suffered difficulties and hardships in the world and
- When the last night of Ramadaan comes, He forgives them all. Somebody asked the Holy Prophet. Is it the night of "Qadr"? No, he said adding don't you see that labourers work and when they finish it well are paid their due.
11. Allah Almighty releases one million people from hell daily in Ramadaan and on its 29th night He releases people equal to the total number of who were released during the whole month and when the night of Eidul Fitr comes, Angels rejoice and Allah Almighty manifest His Light (Noor) addressing the Angels:
O' the group of Angels! What should be the return of the labourer who has completed his work well? Angels submit, he should be paid his full due. Allah Almighty says: Be you witness that I have forgiven them all.The three classes of fast.. (1) the fast of general people(Muslims) who avoid food, drink and intercourse.
(2) the fast of the pious ones who avoid not only food, drink and sexual intercourse but also eschew commission of sin by the eye, tongue, hand, foot and every limb of the body and
(3) the fast of the highest class i.e. prominent ones who totally avoid the world and get immersed in Allah's love alone.
Oh, and we all know how important
Salatul Taraweeh is.

Keep up the good work, People!