As I have noticed there are many CSI : Miami fans like me, here are some memorable quotes : (I hope you guys post your most memorable ones too)
Frank:(to Jake) dont be as dumb as you look.
(season 6 episode 1 "Dangerous Son")
Walter Simmons: Get out of here, before we arrest you for extreme stupidity.
"Caged" (9.19)
"Lieutenant Horatio Caine: [to a Mala Noche gang member in Rio] Mala Noche justice, meet Miami justice.
[gunshot] "
"[describing a victim]
Horatio Caine: Jeans, T-shirt... K-Mart socks.
Det. Frank Tripp: Big spender.
"Calleigh Duquesne: Well when we get close to tool marks and ink processing I'll call you.
FBI Agent Peter Elliott: If you don't, you'll be hearing from my boss down at the Homeland Security Office.
Calleigh Duquesne: Well. I've got goosebumps."
Horatio: (about the polygraph test) They ask about your girlfriend?
Delko: H, you know I don't have a girlfriend.
Horatio: No girlfriend this week?
*Horatio chases a man, he pulls out a gun*
Horatio: Don't do it man!! Don't do it!!!
*Man cocks gun, Horatio shoots him with one shot*
Horatio: ..They never listen..
Eric: If you want any real attention in this world, you gotta have blonde hair and blue eyes, no offence.
Calleigh: None taken! My eyes are green.
Tim Speedle: Only way to outrun an alligator is swim faster than the guy next to you. Right Delko?
Eric Delko: I used to have a partner....
Eric: Cute Girls.
Calleigh: Yeah, they thought you were cute too.
Eric: Really? What did they say?
Calleigh: They were wondering if you had a younger brother.
"[an arm is found in a dead shark]
Alexx Woods: I think we're going to need a bigger body bag.
Horatio Caine: If anyone can find one, it's you, Alexx.
Alexx Woods: You got that right. All right, fellas. You heard the man. Bag him. My shark now.
Horatio Caine: I'm off to ruin a captain's day."
"Calleigh Duquesne: Guess what our substance is off the dead lawyer's shirt.
Ryan Wolfe: Uh, well, considering that it came from the undercarriage of his car, which was pierced by his bone, which incidentally I'm really glad I wasn't there to see, my guess is... motor oil, 10W30.
Calleigh Duquesne: Try soybeans.
Ryan Wolfe: Soybeans, like ethanol?
Calleigh Duquesne: No, as in bio-diesel. One hundred percent bio-diesel, in fact. It's rare, so it should make our hit and run car easy to find.
Ryan Wolfe: Well, it's nice to know that our killer cares about the environment."
Ryan: What do you got?
Walter: Possible skull fragment.
(Ryan picks it up and looks at it)
Ryan: Walter, this is a turtle shell.
Walter: Turtle shell?
Ryan: Yeah, this is a turtle shell... Those are your shoes... That's the sky...
Walter: (embarrassed) Okay, okay, go back to your quadrant.
"Bone Voyage" (9.07)
[while searching for evidence, Ryan and Walter come face to face with a brown bear]
Ryan Wolfe: You need to make yourself small and non threatening
Walter Simmons: I *can't* make myself small and non threatening!
Ryan Wolfe: Well, then, you just need to outrun the bear
Walter Simmons: I don't need to outrun the bear - I just need to outrun you!
"Bone Voyage" (9.07)
Frank: Where's your wristband?
Cyrus Everton: I lost it.
Frank: Do I have "stupid" written all over my bald head?
(season 3 episode 16 " Nothing to Lose")
"[Noticing a big black car in front of a witness' house]
Horatio Caine: Mm-hmm. Town car, tinted windows, take a guess.
Detective John Hagen: Fan-belt inspectors?
Horatio Caine: Nope. U.S. Marshals witness protection baby-sitters. "
Natalia: Hm, seems the fragment that Alexx pulled from Vanessa Waters' chest is comprised of zirconium dioxide.
Ryan: What? There's ceramic in her wounds? How is that possible - she was stabbed.
Natalia: Exactly, but I think I know by what. I have one in my own kitchen. A ceramic knife.
Ryan: (looking confused) Yeah, so? I'm more of a drive through type of guy.
(season 6 episode 10 "CSI:My Nanny")
Ryan: Alexx... he doesn't have a head. Where did the head go?
(Alexx points towards a boiling pot)
Alexx: I'm processing it.
Ryan: You're boiling it.
(season 3 episode 7" Speed Kills")
Tim: Well, there's not much up here.
Calleigh: Well, you know what the text books say, if you can't place the suspect at the crime scene.
Tim: You place the crime scene on the suspect.
(From season2 episode10 "Extreme")
Bad guy: That's a good story. I enjoyed that. But you forgot one thing. I'm a lawyer. A damn good one.
Calleigh: Well, you know what you're right. I did forget one thing. Michelle's blood wasn't the only one we found on the ring. Benito Ramon's was there as well.
Eric: And cremated ash, and the chances of that happening to anyone but the murderer are about a million to one.
Calleigh: You may be a lawyer, but I'm a CSI. A damn good one.
(From season1 episode14 "Forced Entry")
Horatio: Mr. Wolfe, at the end of the day if we don't hang together, we'll die alone.
(season 6 episode 6 " Sun Block")
Fugitive: Why didn't you let me die?
Horatio: Because you died a long time ago, Stewart.
Yelina: Stewart Otis, you're under arrest for the attempted murder of Emma Kaye.
Fugitive: I will get out. It's my nature.
Horatio: And I'll be waiting. That's my nature.
(From season1 episode24 "Body Count")
I know there are too many but all are awesome

And there are so many more

Do post if you have any that you like too.