Author Topic: I am weird ~  (Read 67038 times)

Offline Most UniQue™

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Re: I am weird ~
« Reply #30 on: June 19, 2011, 09:20:27 am »
That's not weird..that's cute! :D

@MU, and you want to be a Mod?  ::)

HAHA! Im not weird at all! I mean everyone is lazy to point them out not only me!

And I didnt want you to feel weird >:( >:( :P :P

Offline Chingoo

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Re: I am weird ~
« Reply #31 on: June 19, 2011, 10:18:51 am »
I should win ideally ::) Let's see...

I make up songs as I sing them. I also make 'music' with my teeth, tongue and generally my mouth. Like clicks and beats and everything. xD I also 'choreograph' the music videos in my head or if I'm alone, I 'act' them out.

Whenever I talk to boys (online or in real life) I sound very rude, snarky and give off a lot of attitude. NO idea why.

I usually 'think' stories in my head, imagining them and if I get too excited I run around acting them out and stuffs. I use pillows for the other person(s) in the story, or generally play both roles.

Whenever I hear a noise late at night, like the door creaking or people in the garage, I spot a possible 'weapon' (a vase or a shoe) and decide how I'll hit the person and what I'll do after that--like calling the police or stabbing them xD

I act like a cat a lot. I meow to my friends/family, paw them like a cat and purr when they return affection. During the Eid-ul-Azha season I also imitate goats. ;D

I randomly pick up make-up and accessories, experimenting with them and making a complete fool of myself. I've dressed as Joker from Batman, creepy girl with antennae, African tribe bride, a seductive Gothic woman and an attractive western Barbie.

If I'm eating something I don't like and have to finish, I imagine the food as a 'terrain' and that microscopic rats are climbing stuff and traveling, and I'm the evil monster who must eat their land and them too. It helps finishing the food xD

When I was younger, during traffic jams I'd observe what people were doing in their cars and imagine what conversation they're having. Like imagining someone's a thief who's trying to tell his wife everything will be okay xD I still do it if I'm in gatherings, restaurants and similar places, getting bored.

I can type on my laptop while watching TV, or talking to someone else. With proper punctuation.

I want to own a snow leopard some day. And sleep with it next to me, play tag with it and yeah xD

When cooking food I imagine I'm a cooking show host and explain everything to my 'viewers'. I also imagine I'm a popstar like Lady Gaga and whatnot when I'm singing my made up songs. xD My alter is probably Jane/Jennifer, idk.

^---That's all I can think off the top of my head. Probably other stuff too, can't think of them right now ^_^
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Offline Malak

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Re: I am weird ~
« Reply #32 on: June 19, 2011, 12:39:05 pm »
^^ OMG!!...You sound cute to me more than weird :D

Whenever I talk to boys (online or in real life) I sound very rude, snarky and give off a lot of attitude. NO idea why.

I do that in real life :P

If I'm eating something I don't like and have to finish, I imagine the food as a 'terrain' and that microscopic rats are climbing stuff and traveling, and I'm the evil monster who must eat their land and them too. It helps finishing the food x
This is sho cute :D HAHA'

When cooking food I imagine I'm a cooking show host and explain everything to my 'viewers'
Oh I used to do that too :D

And When I was a kid I used to try to remember the number plates of cars in traffic and like wonder if i'll see that car again :D
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Offline Shoshou..Mony

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Re: I am weird ~
« Reply #33 on: June 19, 2011, 01:23:08 pm »
I should win ideally ::) Let's see...

I make up songs as I sing them. I also make 'music' with my teeth, tongue and generally my mouth. Like clicks and beats and everything. xD I also 'choreograph' the music videos in my head or if I'm alone, I 'act' them out.

Whenever I talk to boys (online or in real life) I sound very rude, snarky and give off a lot of attitude. NO idea why.

I usually 'think' stories in my head, imagining them and if I get too excited I run around acting them out and stuffs. I use pillows for the other person(s) in the story, or generally play both roles.

Whenever I hear a noise late at night, like the door creaking or people in the garage, I spot a possible 'weapon' (a vase or a shoe) and decide how I'll hit the person and what I'll do after that--like calling the police or stabbing them xD

I act like a cat a lot. I meow to my friends/family, paw them like a cat and purr when they return affection. During the Eid-ul-Azha season I also imitate goats. ;D

I randomly pick up make-up and accessories, experimenting with them and making a complete fool of myself. I've dressed as Joker from Batman, creepy girl with antennae, African tribe bride, a seductive Gothic woman and an attractive western Barbie.

If I'm eating something I don't like and have to finish, I imagine the food as a 'terrain' and that microscopic rats are climbing stuff and traveling, and I'm the evil monster who must eat their land and them too. It helps finishing the food xD

When I was younger, during traffic jams I'd observe what people were doing in their cars and imagine what conversation they're having. Like imagining someone's a thief who's trying to tell his wife everything will be okay xD I still do it if I'm in gatherings, restaurants and similar places, getting bored.

I can type on my laptop while watching TV, or talking to someone else. With proper punctuation.

I want to own a snow leopard some day. And sleep with it next to me, play tag with it and yeah xD

When cooking food I imagine I'm a cooking show host and explain everything to my 'viewers'. I also imagine I'm a popstar like Lady Gaga and whatnot when I'm singing my made up songs. xD My alter is probably Jane/Jennifer, idk.

^---That's all I can think off the top of my head. Probably other stuff too, can't think of them right now ^_^

+rep for the long post and most AWESOME weirdness I ever read!

SIS, YOU ARE COOL! You're gonna achieve success in real life if you continue like that. :P

When cooking food I imagine I'm a cooking show host and explain everything to my 'viewers'.

Whenever I hear a noise late at night, like the door creaking or people in the garage, I spot a possible 'weapon' (a vase or a shoe) and decide how I'll hit the person and what I'll do after that--like calling the police or stabbing them xD

OMG! I always do that! Even like if I'm watching the tv and hear noises at night..I just hold the remote in my hand because it hurts A LOT when hitting someone with it. :P

I make up songs as I sing them. I also make 'music' with my teeth, tongue and generally my mouth. Like clicks and beats and everything. xD I also 'choreograph' the music videos in my head or if I'm alone, I 'act' them out.

hahahaha, same here. I also have some lyrics of my own which I created.

Wonderful CHINGOO, keep'em coming! :D

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Please make them strong ya Allah...


Offline Shoshou..Mony

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Re: I am weird ~
« Reply #34 on: June 19, 2011, 01:26:41 pm »

I apologize for no reason and everyone around me gets annoyed  :-\

hahahahaha..that's actually so innocent and cute! :P LOOOOOOOOOOL! :D

i eat bean with milk rice
now that is the most wierd thing ever...or so i've heard from many people!
0_0.....this is the look they give me when i eat.

I'm so gonna try that. :P

@mony-OMGGG. Me too! I have 3/4 autograph books! One is half torn but still kept it! <333333
Yes. They are very adorable, MA! <3

You are the TWIN of my life! :D

Sometimes, ALLAH breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes, ALLAH allows pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes, ALLAH sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes, ALLAH takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything HE gave us.

When Allah leads you to the edge of difficulty... either ALLAH will catch you when you fall or ALLAH will teach you how to fly! =]

Please make them strong ya Allah...


Offline Malak

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Re: I am weird ~
« Reply #35 on: June 19, 2011, 01:37:38 pm »
^^ Since you guys are talking about letters and auto-graph diaries, I have to share that I also do that :D
I have saved letters from my friends since, I guess, the first time I got one :D and once I thought of throwing them away but then when I opened and read those I just couldn't <3
And I have two auto-graph diaries also :D
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Re: I am weird ~
« Reply #36 on: June 19, 2011, 01:45:18 pm »
+rep for Chingoo :P

Offline Shoshou..Mony

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Re: I am weird ~
« Reply #37 on: June 19, 2011, 01:56:01 pm »
^^ Since you guys are talking about letters and auto-graph diaries, I have to share that I also do that :D
I have saved letters from my friends since, I guess, the first time I got one :D and once I thought of throwing them away but then when I opened and read those I just couldn't <3
And I have two auto-graph diaries also :D

Awwww! Yes, don't ever throw them away!

They turn out to be beautiful memories later on and they just bring smile to your face. <3

What about stickers? :P

Sometimes, ALLAH breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes, ALLAH allows pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes, ALLAH sends us failure so we can be humble.
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When Allah leads you to the edge of difficulty... either ALLAH will catch you when you fall or ALLAH will teach you how to fly! =]

Please make them strong ya Allah...


Offline NidZ- Hero

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Re: I am weird ~
« Reply #38 on: June 19, 2011, 02:49:39 pm »
Woooooow a new thread which teaches how to be a Girl ::)

Offline Shoshou..Mony

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Re: I am weird ~
« Reply #39 on: June 19, 2011, 02:51:48 pm »
Woooooow a new thread which teaches how to be a Girl ::)

Hey NIDZ..I'd like to hear all about your weirdness. I am sure you got A LOT to say. :P :P

Sometimes, ALLAH breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes, ALLAH allows pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes, ALLAH sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes, ALLAH takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything HE gave us.

When Allah leads you to the edge of difficulty... either ALLAH will catch you when you fall or ALLAH will teach you how to fly! =]

Please make them strong ya Allah...


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Re: I am weird ~
« Reply #40 on: June 19, 2011, 02:53:36 pm »
Hey NIDZ..I'd like to hear all about your weirdness. I am sure you got A LOT to say. :P :P

If i start the world will end :D

Offline Shoshou..Mony

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Re: I am weird ~
« Reply #41 on: June 19, 2011, 02:54:32 pm »
If i start the world will end :D

hahahaha..weird people are cool sister. 8)

Sometimes, ALLAH breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes, ALLAH allows pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes, ALLAH sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes, ALLAH takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything HE gave us.

When Allah leads you to the edge of difficulty... either ALLAH will catch you when you fall or ALLAH will teach you how to fly! =]

Please make them strong ya Allah...


Offline NidZ- Hero

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Re: I am weird ~
« Reply #42 on: June 19, 2011, 02:59:07 pm »
i also count being extra sweet as weird-ness:P 8)

Offline Shoshou..Mony

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Re: I am weird ~
« Reply #43 on: June 19, 2011, 03:05:09 pm »
i also count being extra sweet as weird-ness:P 8)

Extra sweet..means you are just..a candy. Not weird.

Now now..list your weirdness. 8)

Sometimes, ALLAH breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes, ALLAH allows pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes, ALLAH sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes, ALLAH takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything HE gave us.

When Allah leads you to the edge of difficulty... either ALLAH will catch you when you fall or ALLAH will teach you how to fly! =]

Please make them strong ya Allah...


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Re: I am weird ~
« Reply #44 on: June 19, 2011, 03:09:43 pm »
When i get scared or hear weird noises from behind or  somewhere near when im alone i suddenly turn on the T.V and raise its voice ;D ;D ;D ;D