New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
@exam, yes ofc I remember you!My Indian friend who used to discuss Accounting AS with me through pms last year. I missed you toooooo! How have you been? And omg..thank you so so much for the amazing pm I got from you. =] Much much appreciated sister for your kind words. <3
Wow you were being missed so Much by all here,You must be a great person ! Welcome back Shoshou..Mony !Im so late, awkward :d !~
Not late sis. =]Thank you very much! Ah as for my greatness I leave that for YOU to find out later. Hope we be good friends inshAllah. =]
InshAllah ya ukhtiiinte sweet now i hope you get my awesome arabic lolx
LOL, inte so cute! Where are you from? =]
@AOL, <3@Nobody, LOOOOL ya that's will be less time consuming. @Exam, lol so what did you do after that? Took A2 subjects?
@Nobody, haha you know Rox is so cool and there can't be two cool people in the house.
lol continued eco and bst !! !! only 2 a2 subjects :Xso to who exactly are you saying indirectly to "GET OUT "
Bte3rafy 3arabi :Oahla ow sahla
Ya Spider-man...can you climb buildings? :p