a business's corporate AIM is a long term vision that the business aims to or hopes to achieve in the long term...it sums up the various OBJECTIVES that the business sets, in a way. example: a corporate aim could be as vague as "being the best Internet Service Provider in town"....its plain to see that this is a very, very long term plan.
On the other hand, a Corporate OBJECTIVE is a target, a goal, set for the immediate future. A business can have many departments, and each department has its own objectives, and each individual in each department will then have his own objectives. And so all these objectives put together, work towards the common CORPORATE oBJECTIVE....a corporate objective is not vague. it cannot be vague. it is what ddetemines the course of action. it gives the how when where what....so it is descriptive. eg : "business's corporate objective is to increase sales by atleast 20% this year and to open up an outlet in city XYZ"
there u go, hope that helps