Hi you guys i just saw this post. I'm a huge potter fan. I started reading them in year 2 and have eagerly anticipated every book. I remember the tension waiting for The deathly hallows to reach me after i had preordered it. I didnt sleep until i finished it. And yeah i agree with Amelia the ending was disappointing.

I expected them to duel. One spell and then poof voldermorts dead was sort of an anti-climax. As for all the questions about my fav things in hp.
Patronus: Probably a puma.
Fav professor: Definitely Lupin.
Fav Characters: Dumbledore, Harry (Ofc)

and the Weasley twins because theyre so original and they add the humor to the story.
Book: Definately number 3 (the prisoner of Azkaban) because harry finally has a family member (i was so pissed off when Sirius died in the order of the Phoenix. I heard JK rowling was planning on killing off Ron but she switched to Sirius.I wish she hadn't.
Movie: I loved the Chamber of secrets because it was almost exactly like the book. I hated number 7 part 2. Where in the book do Harry and Voldermort fly around the castle for gods sake?
HATED Bellatrix Lestrange so much by the end of the series.
Thats about it. Sorry for the long post