Qualification > Reference Material

Chemistry Paper 6 notes!!! IGCSE >>>extremely helpful


This is a website that i thought u may benefit from for this wednesday...
4 the flame tests, precipitation..and all that...
4 rates of reaction...
4 all the quantitave chemistry...
4 all the information u need 2 knoe bout gases...
===> SUMMARY...that works more as a check list...
You should know that:
-there is a series of tests that help us to analyse substances
-in inorganic chemistry these tests help us to fi nd which positive ions (metals) and negative ions are present in an ionic compound
-there is also a series of tests for gases such as hydrogen, oxygen, etc.
-these analytical ideas can also be applied in organic chemistry
-quantitative experiments, such as titrations, which tell us how much of a substance we have (not just which substance we have),
can be carried out
-in carrying out experiments it is important to control the situation so that not too many conditions are changing at once
-when reporting on experiments it is important to be able to present the results clearly; possibly in a table or by plotting a graph
-this develops into the ideas of a fair test and a controlled experiment – ideas central to any experimental investigation
-the scientifi c method is based in part on these ideas, so that any hypothesis can be properly tested.

Thanks a lot ! It's really nice :) Good luck to you and rep+!!!!


--- Quote from: rainbowtiara24 on May 20, 2011, 11:49:04 am ---Thanks a lot ! It's really nice :) Good luck to you and rep+!!!!

--- End quote ---
anytime ;)


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