Qualification > Sciences
Biology Paper 6!!
magnification = enlarged drawing/real drawing
yes i know that, but there is a question that i saw last night while i was gng thru some past papers, and there was a magnified picture of a pollen grain and underneath it there was a question asking us to calculate the real size of the pollen grain and by how many times it has been magnified, thts wat i wanna knw, hw can i calculate magnification? :S
measure the diameter of the pollen grain that is magnified .. using ur ruler
then divide this by the real size to get magnification
u can attach the question paper .. i'll go thru it and tell u
oh ok!!!!!!! nw i get it! Thanks a lot hey :)
and umm one more thing, what exactly is a fair test? and a control? i never seemed to understand exactly what they r?
this is the paper am currently solving, everything is fine except question 2]d]i) and 3]a]ii)
i solved question 2]c]i) like you told me, and my answer was 0.024 mm = actual size
can u plz go thru it and tell me if its right? :)
Thanks a lot By the way :)
can someone tell me what is single cell protein (SCP) ????
I cant really understand it and what is its function?
help would be much appreciated!!
??? ???
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