Qualification > Sciences

Biology Paper 6!!

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yes, this is what i mean, but the lines are in the wrong position. they should be in the center of the leg... know what i mean? the line should run down the scenter, not down the side...

i have doubts in bio            
never ask in anything else.

You're studying and chatting at the same time?


--- Quote from: unown.xu on May 17, 2009, 08:49:43 am ---yes, this is what i mean, but the lines are in the wrong position. they should be in the center of the leg... know what i mean? the line should run down the scenter, not down the side...

--- End quote ---

no man
 :'( :'( :'( :'(
did not understand
can u just show a bit thru paint, like how i did, it only took like 3 mins

you have to measure the angle between D1 and D2, between D2 and D3, D2 and D5, D5 and D6, the length where D5 meets D6, where D1 meets D2. all that... i forgot D4... and the lines on the body are just to give u an idea of how u would take lines for the body...


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