Qualification > Sciences
Biology Paper 6!!
--- Quote from: AL*Eagle on May 18, 2009, 11:55:34 am ---Im doing bio tomorow at (6:00AM GMT) Wish me luck ppl
nd i was just amazed how ppl are asking about Magnification? Fermentation? Graphs? and all that crap..
WOW! exam is in less than 24 hours and ppl are asking silly questions like that?? WOW!
anyways.. good luck everyone on this!!
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i gues its a forum for helpng n discusing thngs nt for makng fun or provng urself a genious... Its a forum to help each other, not to pointing words at each othr...
ill ask about bio paper 3 l8er. Right now ppl should be asking about paper 6. I have a question. Usually they ask you to draw a labeled and enlarged image of some organism that they give u a pic of. HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO KNOW THE PARTS? I did one paper where they ask you to draw a labeled image of an apple. Theres one more where they ask you to draw a labeled image of a slug. I mean... HOW? We havent learned the parts and theyre not in my textbook. Any enlightenment?
Does anyone have the marking schemes for 2001..and the ones before that for Biology paper 6..??
if u do...pls send it to me ..badboy1_devil@hotmail.com
Maybe u should see a private tutor before its too late buddy :)
and, anytime, for my luck wishes i said earlier :)
--- Quote from: Oblivion on May 18, 2009, 01:30:29 pm ---
--- Quote from: AL*Eagle on May 18, 2009, 11:55:34 am ---Im doing bio tomorow at (6:00AM GMT) Wish me luck ppl
nd i was just amazed how ppl are asking about Magnification? Fermentation? Graphs? and all that crap..
WOW! exam is in less than 24 hours and ppl are asking silly questions like that?? WOW!
anyways.. good luck everyone on this!!
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i gues its a forum for helpng n discusing thngs nt for makng fun or provng urself a genious... Its a forum to help each other, not to pointing words at each othr...
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--- Quote from: Aishath on May 18, 2009, 12:23:23 pm ---Hey can sumone explain to me where meiosis works and where mitosis works???
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check out this site www.cellsalive.com
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