General Chat NEW! The Student Forums Chatroom > Graphics, Visual Effects and Art

Creativity =)

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nice one, i will use it ;D

The Golden Girl =D:
I like it .. I like how you played with the colors and stuff =D


--- Quote from: woteverr... on August 15, 2011, 06:51:10 pm ---
Ok, here's a new wallpaper after a long long fallow...Hope you guys like it! :)

--- End quote ---
Simply beautiful. (Y)

Locke Lamora:
Thanks everybody! =D

I was too preoccupied with my results on the 14th, only had time to make this now... Sorry all..

Hope you enjoy and a belated Jashne Azadi Mubarak to tum sub!! :)


--- Quote from: woteverr... on August 15, 2011, 06:51:10 pm ---Islamabad! Japanese Park, I'm guessing.. Right? :P

Ok, here's a new wallpaper after a long long fallow...Hope you guys like it! :)

--- End quote ---
LOOL, no :P

Wow, amazing. Its beautiful, love the colors. *you should teach me*  ::)


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