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rugby national team u mean :P
if would prefer taking u all to the Air force :P they need tough strong people :P

Arthur Bon Zavi:
Wait till tomorrow, I will handover my AK 47 to you legally. You might face some enemies in the Sri Lankan borders. Will'nt you ? You form a citadel besides the shore of whole of the island. What say ? ::)

i can provide, M4's, lots of them, for u iluvme and ur friends :P

Arthur Bon Zavi:

--- Quote from: iluvme on May 03, 2011, 05:49:00 pm ---ME!!! :D

--- End quote ---

I predict you just started playing few days ago.

@Quadsiyah - good. :D


--- Quote from: AboD on May 03, 2011, 06:04:52 pm ---rugby national team u mean :P
if would prefer taking u all to the Air force :P they need tough strong people :P

--- End quote ---

Yup. No football team here. Rugby is like the thing, the football deflates easily when the team plays. :D
There are stronger people here, we stand no chance :(  :'(


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