Qualification > Queries

Calculators allowed in Math exam

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Arthur Bon Zavi:

--- Quote from: AboD on May 07, 2011, 02:15:36 pm ---LOL
he is not, but he allowed us to use it in mocks
problem is: we will not be there :P
some ppl from the british council will be there

--- End quote ---

Why will you not be there ? Flying to Cambridge for giving IGCSEs ?  ::)

typo, He*

Arthur Bon Zavi:

--- Quote from: AboD on May 07, 2011, 02:20:17 pm ---typo, He*

--- End quote ---

They will come specially for invigilation and daily ?


--- Quote from: Fidato on May 07, 2011, 02:22:41 pm ---They will come specially for invigilation and daily ?

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yes, our teachers r not allowed to supervise our exams  ::)

Arthur Bon Zavi:

--- Quote from: AboD on May 07, 2011, 02:25:43 pm ---yes, our teachers r not allowed to supervise our exams  ::)

--- End quote ---

Good luck then. I am off.


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