Qualification > Queries

Calculators allowed in Math exam

<< < (10/13) > >>

it as 8 modes:
1: comp
2: cmplx
3: stat
4: base-n
7: table
8: vector
which modes are not allowed?

Arthur Bon Zavi:

--- Quote from: AboD on May 07, 2011, 01:50:49 pm ---it as 8 modes:
1: comp
2: cmplx
3: stat
4: base-n
7: table
8: vector
which modes are not allowed?

--- End quote ---

Read this.

--- Quote ---Due to the sheer number of different calculator models available worldwide, Cambridge cannot confirm which models are permitted in our exams and which are not.

Where the use of calculators is allowed in examinations, calculators used must not be able to manipulate algebra, they must be purely numerical integration/differentiation. Calculators with any of the following facilities are prohibited, unless specifically stated otherwise in the syllabus:

    graphic display
    data banks
    dictionaries or language translators
    retrieval or manipulation of text or formulae
    QWERTY keyboards
    built-in symbolic algebraic manipulations
    symbolic differentiation or integration
    capability of remote communication with other machines.

Cambridge will regard the use of any such calculator as malpractice. Students requiring more information should contact the exams officer at their school.

--- End quote ---


--- Quote ---  QWERTY keyboards
    built-in symbolic algebraic manipulations
    symbolic differentiation or integration

--- End quote ---
i donno these ^
r these functions available in 991es?

Arthur Bon Zavi:

--- Quote from: AboD on May 07, 2011, 01:59:39 pm ---i donno these ^
r these functions available in 991es?

--- End quote ---

Check it. You have it, right ?


--- Quote from: Fidato on May 07, 2011, 02:00:58 pm ---Check it. You have it, right ?

--- End quote ---
i donno wat these functions are, thats why i donno it can do it or no


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