Qualification > Queries

Calculators allowed in Math exam

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well, everyone uses his own way.
991ES is not allowed in AS/A. i dont think they will, but wat if they did?

i keep it in my folder and i take it out when im in the exam hall :D sha3'el mo5ak o onsob 3alehom :)

ur not taking AS math anyway, so why are u asking about it? :)
ok onsob, and again a lil risk is there, better be on the safe side

only graphical calculators are not allowed else are allowed

$tyli$h Executive:

--- Quote from: AboD on April 21, 2011, 04:32:04 pm ---yes good idead to WASTE ur time checking each and every answer with the calculator.
Check twice dude or maybe thrice, np u will solve 50% of the paper correct, and u won't solve the other half cuz time will be over.
Advice: trust urself don't waste time checking ur answeres, and when u finish the paper, u can check ur answers with calculator.
991ES is not allowed in AS/A.

--- End quote ---

991 ES is allowed. Some of my friends used it in their maths exam (A/AS level).

It depends on personal preference, but I tend to check my answers instantly after solving each question because it is quicker. Most of the time, using this approach, I will have very little spare time after answering the question paper. But it works better for me.


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