so i guess its my time now to leave ehh?

all the time i have spent here has been awesome and unforgettable and amazing
i made many awesome friends in this place who right now i just cant imagine my life without
seriously without you all i dont think i would have been where i am right now
i still remember those late nights i spent on sf during my IGs and also during my A level which i realize i shouldnt have because really all that late night spent on sf during my exams reflected on my results soooooo that was a bad decision but everyone makes mistakes right??

anyways i went off topic there
umm so many people when they left had this whole indivul goodbye thing going on
i guess ill do the same and i am going to apologize in advance to anyone who i might just leave ou but i will try to remember all
leets start then
DrEvil-duude you are like the younger bro i already have =P
you are an awesome friend and everytime you were not present in the paki thread ur absence was easily noticed
you cheered me up many a times and all those pms we sent to each other were amazing although you took ages to reply!!=P
you are a good guy and dont let anyone tell you otherwise
but stop stressing so much on A levels dude relax study hard but also relax man you deserve some rest !!!!!
and try to come online on msn once in a blue moon so i can keep up with your same old boring routine!!

and the way you handled this place after you became an admin is amazing keep up the good work

Dibss-my evil twin!!!!!!!
all those jokes we pulled and all those amazing times .....i dont have words to describe your friendship!!
you were such an awesome friend with your imaginary boyfriend and your so called photographic memory!

the way you phrased your words always made it fun to read your comments
i dont think this is good bye after all we can always talk on fb..unless you block me then its a totally different story
so Talk to you later

Crooked-my dear brother!!!the mutated dude!!!retarded woofer!!!...etc
duude you are my brother from another mother!!!do i need to say more???
i dont need to but i will....
you are such a great guy
and unnaturally hyper but still awesome
you helped me through the sadness that was my results!!!
i dont think i can ever repay the amount of help you have given me
you listened to me ramble like a lunatic

you listened to me talk about cricket!!

you understood me which takes alot

and umm well i really cant find the words to describe it more
so ill just say thank you for being there always

and this aint goodbye its just good bye from sf
we will still talk through fb

GG-you are this wonderful girl who always inspired me!!
in the moments of despair that i faced you were always my inspiration!!
so thank you for that (again on fb so not good bye forever

Saud-my lil bro who keeps giving me weird nicknames!!bwahahah
i have you on fb so again this reall isnt good bye
duude i never really knew you much until i adde dyou on fb thats when we started talking i started to get to know you
you really are a very good kid and have a bright future just work hard for it!!

Ari-hmm so i never really got to know you

i guess it wasnt meant to be.......but you are a great person and you are very mature

you have this dont mess with me attitude.....

the way you have handled this place is amazing

haris-you duude went missing somewhere
i dont know whether aliens kidnapped you or you were swallowed by the earth

but you were one person who had the same cricket craze as me
you really were a good friend so thank you for that
gumnam-gummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!so i havent really talked to you in a long time
you are a great friend
and you were suh a flirt!!!

still remember the lil thing you had gong on with javi
that was hilarious i dont think i have ever laughed so much in my life
so thank you for that
javi-my winker!!!!!!dude i miss your winks
nowadays all we do on fb is poke!!LOL
you and gummy made a good pair!!

you and your football craze!!!

you are a great friend
i hope you get nothing but the best in the future
because you deserve it
amelia-the psychic!!

sooo i didnt talk to you much but the little that i did
you came across as a great person
with psychic abilities that freaked many ppl out!!LOL
deadly king-you my man are a funny guy
the way you phrase your words has amused m numerous times
you have kind heart and determined soul
i pray you get whatever it is you want in life and more
chaosking-you the creator of the paki thread!!!
i think all of us n the paki thread really miss you
you havent come on in almost a year now
and i was hoping you would but i guess not
but i wish you success in life
nobody-ok so on sf we barely talked but then when i added you on fb and we started talking
you came of as this really amazing funny person

you were one of those few ppl i had told about my plans on leaving sf and you had told me to leave me to not to
but i am sorry to say i am kinda going against what you told me

you really are one of those guys who i can talk to for ages and still no feel bored
and gain this isnt good bye since we can always talk on fb and msn
vin-vinny,pink unicorn...etc
dude you are just completely amazing!!!
you are a good sport which was proved by you agreeing to change your name to pink unicorn
i dont think many ppl would have done that

and you are like super smart so i hope you get all the success you deserve
maybeit-you hyper woman!!!!you are this really funny character
that no matter what the situation can make anyone laugh

not many ppl possess that ability so hold on to that trait!!

Stylish-you the man!!!

never talked to you much but you really are a good guy
have a successful life full of happiness
hope- i dont really name whether you are on sf or no
but i am going to write it anyways
you are one amazing friend!!!!
i dont think i have ever met anyone like you
you helped me and you had a strong presence
roxy-you are someone who i have always admired
you personality has this spark which many lack
i hope you have an amazing life
alpha-as i once told you before who can be out of sight bu never out of mind
you have this aura about you that makes people want to listen to you
yo can be kinda commanding but in a good way
that's all he people i can remember at the moment
and if i have forgotten someone i wold like to us your forgiveness but know that you all will be really missed by me
sure i can still talk to you guys in other places but i guess it wont be quite the same
this place was where no one would judge me

i learnt alot from this place..i have learnt things i dont think i could have learnt anywhere else
when i finished my IGs i was on sf when i finished my A levels i was on sf
when i got admission into medical i was still n sf and i realized that its time to move on
last night while i lay in bed i was thinking about what all i would say
but now that i have actually come down to it i have no idea how to say it all
you all liked for who i was and for that i am eternally grateful to you all
you guys have given me memories that are worth cherishing for the rest of my life!!
if i have ever done anyone wrong or hurt anyone in anyways
i would like to ask your forgiveness i hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive me
and yeah i will deactivate my account sometime tomorrow

to those who want to add me on msn or fb just pm me and i will send u my email

in the end i would like to thank all those who helped me through my life
you guys are truly worth calling friends!!!
so thank you and adios amigos!!!!!!!

*takes a final bow and disappears*

"Adios amigo, adios my friend
The road we have travelled has come to an end
When two love the same love, one love has to lose
But it's you who she longs for, it's you she will choose
Adios compadre, let us shed no tears
May all your mañanas bring joy through the years
away from these memories my life i must spend
adios amigo adios my friend."