Im a private candidate as my previous school didnt have grade 12th when i finished so, yeah. I would like to hear from the forum members here who actually took Edexcel/CIE and tell me the differences and which one is recommended for a guy who is in my situation.
Im willing to put that as my second option but is there anyway to find private tuitions and not like an institute? I used to know alot of people who took tuitions for AS and i wished i did take their numbers but oh well, can't be sorry for what has been done and must keep looking forward.
If all hope is lost then i'll go to where you recommended me and of course register there since there is lots of time from now till May/June and im only looking to apply for 2 AS subjects, Anyways hope more people reply because i would like to get a greater view of everything and have my options infront of me before doing anything. As of now the first thing ill do is buy the best and most recommended books for Bio and PHY then ill see if anybody here knows a private tuition in Kuwait, if not then i'll just go to Apachia and get to work!
Again, thank you and morning classes sound sweet. Definitely what i would want!