Author Topic: Log?  (Read 692 times)

Offline HUSH1994

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« on: January 11, 2011, 12:36:52 pm »
Good evening everyone,
i need help as my teachers told me i need to know about logarithm(log) for the chemistry,physics,and biology practical exams,but the problem is that log is in the mathematics A2 level,so i have no idea about it,can anyone give a good explanation or anything that might help me.



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Re: Log?
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2011, 12:48:04 pm »
Logarithms ?

ab = c

The above can be re-written as logac = b

The natural log is known as ln or can be written as logex

This is just the basics. Pick up the P2/P3 textbook and have a look through the logs chapter.